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Update README.md
2017-11-16 23:47:35 +01:00
README.md Update README.md 2017-11-16 23:47:35 +01:00



We trail the trends!

Join the telegram group

If you have questions after reading the readme

Main Channel


Channel Language Channel link
German https://t.me/joinchat/FDBA_g1yD6Iw-k46ysvYzA
Potuguese https://t.me/joinchat/EzzWHAyih4JoEMk0XBiezA
Russian https://t.me/joinchat/DreUUw-n-aGoi2LunoJTFA
Korean https://t.me/joinchat/DqRTeBHA8KY5_vwKBj3JzA
Spanish https://t.me/joinchat/FmiiRhEiz1VMEfaf1ch4Hg
Dutch https://t.me/profittrailernl

Check out the wiki


How to run

Download the latest released jar file

  1. Make sure you have java 8 installed on your system
  2. Unzip ProfitTrailer.zip file
  3. Fill your apiKeys and secrets in application.properties
  4. Open a terminal or command prompt and type
  5. CD to the ProfitTrailer directory
  6. java -jar ProfitTrailer.jar -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Xmx256m -Xms256m
    • On OSX or some linux versions you might need to sudo su and then run the java -jar command.
  7. If you did everything correctly the application will start without giving you any error messages

On windows

Open a web browser and go to

On a Linux VPS

curl http://localhost:8081/checkSetupLinux/

All rows should say 'Looking good!'
If this is not the case, than you have an error in your application.properties

Running in the background

Use the provided pm2 json file.
If you have pm2 installed just use this command.
pm2 start pm2-ProfitTrailer.json
pm2 save
This will make sure that pm2 will automatically start the bot when pm2 reloads.

To see the log you could do.
pm2 log 'id' <-- this is the id pm2 gave your bot

Setup telegram so the bot can send you telegram messages

  1. Talk to @BotFather
    1.1. NOT to be confused with TheBotFather channel!!!
    1.2 Once there type "/newbot" to create a bot. Answer the questions by typing answers and pressing enter.

  2. Start a chat to your bot's name (for ex. @MyTPBot) and press start button

  3. Start another chat with https://telegram.me/get_id_bot This bot will reveal your Chat ID

  4. Edit application.properties and set

    • telegram.botToken = "your bot token"
    • telegram.chatId = "your chat id"
    • restart the bot
  5. Go to http://localhost:8081/settings/telegramTestMessage to test your telegram setup. You will receive a message if the setup is correct.

Authorized resellers on telegram

All resellers speak English :)

  • @Anderson_drsub (Portuguese)
  • @Moondust2010 (German)
  • @AkaDeCaoS (Spanish)
  • @T1M3C (Russian)
  • @Another_Diesel (US)
  • @billycoin (Chinese)  
  • @freebits (Korean)
  • @djnaffie (Dutch)
  • @lowprofiler (Danish & Norwegian)
  • @gcan9 (Swedish & Greek)
  • @CryptoGuruOmigus (Japanese)

No one responding?

  • @Elroy (DEV)