# ProxyBot We trail the trends! # Join the telegram group If you have questions after reading the readme ### Main Channel https://t.me/joinchat/FWYlMkKK-mkrSuj836ehug |Channel Language | Channel link | |-------------------|-----------------------------------------------| |German | https://t.me/joinchat/FDBA_g1yD6Iw-k46ysvYzA | |Potuguese | https://t.me/joinchat/EzzWHAyih4JoEMk0XBiezA | |Russian | https://t.me/joinchat/DreUUw-n-aGoi2LunoJTFA | |Korean | https://t.me/joinchat/DqRTeBHA8KY5_vwKBj3JzA | # Check out the wiki https://github.com/taniman/proxy-bot/wiki/ProxyBot # How to run Download the latest released jar file https://github.com/taniman/proxy-bot/releases 1. Make sure you have java 8 installed on your system 2. Unzip proxybot.zip file 3. Fill your apiKeys and secrets in application.properties 4. set server.botMode = true in application.properties 5. Open a terminal or command prompt and type 6. java -jar ProxyBot.jar -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Xmx256m -Xms256m * On OSX or some linux versions you might need to sudo su and then run the java -jar command. 7. If you did everything correctly the application will start without giving you any error messages ### On windows Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8081/checkSetup/ ### On a Linux VPS curl http://localhost:8081/checkSetupLinux/ All rows should say 'Looking good!' If this is not the case, than you have an error in your application.properties # Running in the background Use the provided pm2 json file.
If you have pm2 installed just use this command.
pm2 start pm2-ProxyBot.json
pm2 save
This will make sure that pm2 will automatically start the proxy when pm2 reloads.

To see the proxy log you could do.
pm2 log 'id' <-- this is the id pm2 gave your proxy # Setup telegram so the proxy can send you telegram messages 1. Talk to @BotFather 1.1. NOT to be confused with TheBotFather channel!!! 1.2 Once there type "/newbot" to create a bot. Answer the questions by typing answers and pressing enter. 2. Start a chat to your bot's name (for ex. @MyProxyBot) and press start button 3. Start another chat with https://telegram.me/get_id_bot This bot will reveal your Chat ID 4. Edit application.properties and set - telegram.botToken = "your bot token" - telegram.chatId = "your chat id" - restart the bot 5. Go to http://localhost:8081/settings/telegramTestMessage to test your telegram setup. You will receive a message if the setup is correct. # Authorized resellers on telegram - @Elroy (DEV) - @Anderson_drsub (Portuguese) - @Moondust2010 (German) - @AkaDeCaoS (Spanish) - @T1M3C (Russian) - @Another_Diesel (US) - @billycoin (Chinese)   - @freebits (Korean) # Warning Please use the proxy on a VPS or machine that you do not use normally.
Once you change the host file the poloniex.com website will not work properly anymore.