# Gunbot Proxy Community Edition
Free Proxy for Gunbot on Poloniex
# Join the telegram group
If you have questions after reading the readme
# How to run
Download the latest released jar file or compile your own using the source code
Put the jar file in a directory
Put application.properties in the smae directory and fill in your apiKeys and secrets
Open ALLPAIRS-params.js and at the botom after module.exports = config; put the following line
To be able to run the application you need Java 8
Open a terminal or command prompt and type
java -jar GunbotProxyCommunity-x.x.x.jar
If you did everything correctly the application will start without giving you any error messages.
Open a web browser and go to
It should return the text. "Intercepted".
So everything is up and running.
Now for the final step you need to edit your host file.
On windows C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
On linux /etc/hosts
Put the following poloniex.com
# Warning
Please use the proxy on a VPS or machine that you do not use normally.
Once you change the host file the poloniex.com website will not work properly anymore.
Now run your bots and enjoy!
# Donations
If you would like to send me a donation, here are my cryptocurrency addresses:
ETH: 0x3ad4048c71afeebeb88dad665be6cbdfcb63c526
LTC: LTfW6rp29GepiLPvC1JSfgZNcxuxCmrsW7