# Gunbot Proxy Community Edition Free Proxy for Gunbot on Poloniex # How to run Download the released jar file or compile your own using the source code Put the jar file in a directory Put application.properties in the smae directory and fill in your apiKeys and secrets Open ALLPAIRS-params.js and at the botom after module.exports = config; put the following line process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = "0"; To be able to run the application you need Java 8. Open a terminal or command prompt and type java -jar GunbotProxyCommunity-0.9.0.jar If you did everything correctly the application will start without giving you any error messages. Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8081/public/ It should return the text. "Intercepted". So everything is up and running. Now for the final step you need to edit your host file. On windows C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts On linux /etc/hosts Put the following poloniex.com Please use the proxy on a VPS or machine that you do not use normally. Once you change the host file the poloniex.com website will not work properly anymore. Now run your bots and enjoy!