diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index abcd755..90725f9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,36 +1,27 @@
-# Gunbot Proxy Community Edition
-Free Proxy for Gunbot on Poloniex
+# ProxyBot
+Enhanced Proxy for Gunbot on Poloniex
+Price: 0.015 BTC
-# Looking for ProxyBot Setup?
# Join the telegram group
If you have questions after reading the readme
+# Checkout the wiki
# Another guide
Diesel's Guide
# How to run
-Download the latest released jar file or compile your own using the source code
+Download the latest released jar file
Put the jar file in a directory
Put application.properties in the same directory and fill in your apiKeys and secrets
-Open ALLPAIRS-params.js and at the botom after module.exports = config; put the following line
-Optionally run gunbot using one of the suplied pm2 json files. (required for version 3.3.3+, 4.x.x+)
-Put the files in the same directory as GB folder. edit files if necessary
-This will set the NODE_TLS line for you. gunbot log will be viewable from pm2 log.
To be able to run the application you need Java 8
Open a terminal or command prompt and type
-java -jar GunbotProxyCommunity-x.x.x.jar -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Xmx256m -Xms256m (replace x.x.x with your actual version number)
+java -jar ProxyBot.jar -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Xmx256m -Xms256m
On OSX or some linux versions you might need to sudo su and then run the java -jar command.
If you did everything correctly the application will start without giving you any error messages.
@@ -70,21 +61,26 @@ This will make sure that pm2 will automatically start the proxy when pm2 reloads
To see the proxy log you could do.
pm2 log 'id' <-- this is the id pm2 gave your proxy
+# Setup telegram so the proxy can send you telegram messages
+1. Talk to @BotFather
+1.1. NOT to be confused with TheBotFather channel!!!
+1.2 Once there type "/newbot" to create a bot. Answer the questions by typing answers and pressing enter.
+2. Start a chat to your bot's name (for ex. @MyProxyBot) and press start button
+3. Start another chat with https://telegram.me/get_id_bot This bot will reveal your Chat ID
+4. Edit application.properties and set
+ - telegram.botToken = "your bot token"
+ - telegram.chatId = "your chat id"
+5. Go to http://localhost:8081/settings/telegramTestMessage to test your telegram setup. You will receive a message if the setup is correct.
+# Invalid License
+ - Talk to @Elroy on telegram to activate
# Warning
Please use the proxy on a VPS or machine that you do not use normally.
Once you change the host file the poloniex.com website will not work properly anymore.
-Now run your bots and enjoy!
-# Donations
-If you would like to send me a donation, here are my cryptocurrency addresses:
-ETH: 0x3ad4048c71afeebeb88dad665be6cbdfcb63c526
-LTC: LTfW6rp29GepiLPvC1JSfgZNcxuxCmrsW7