diff --git a/Common-Errors.md b/Common-Errors.md
index 691c214..c1f8f9f 100644
--- a/Common-Errors.md
+++ b/Common-Errors.md
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ If you setup the **Profit Trailer** path in "settings.general.json" and "Monitor
This means you have specified a settings file in one of your global settings, but PTM cannot find it. Remember, the properties files must be in a folder with the EXACT same name as the global setting, and you MUST at least have one global setting named DEFAULT. See [this wiki entry for more details].(https://github.com/PTMagicians/PTMagic/wiki/Writing-Properties#1-using-a-preset-file)
+### FATAL - Error loading configuration! Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException Unexpected end when deserializing object. Path 'GeneralSettings', line X, position X
+You are missing a closing bracket at the end of the previous object in your settings.
### (Profit Trailer) ERROR AppErrorController - Invalid api_token received - No data returned
(PT Magic) The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized
(PT Magic) No Server API Token specified.
For PTM to access PT's API and get required data, you need to set an API token in your PT settings, and then add that token to your Profit Trailer settings.general.json file. See: (https://wiki.profittrailer.com/doku.php?id=web_interface_guide#server_settings) and (https://github.com/PTMagicians/PTMagic/releases/tag/2.1.0).