More detailed dotnet install instructions and automation with pm2. thx to x-Jihn-x

JackTerok 2021-03-28 19:56:16 +02:00
parent ee52d9d559
commit 776a915764
1 changed files with 102 additions and 11 deletions

@ -4,22 +4,53 @@
### Other Guides ### Other Guides
**Neomelb** created a posting that has instructions on how to setup PT Magic on Ubuntu in _Chinese_ [here]( and **Nidkil** in english [here]( **Neomelb** created a posting that has instructions on how to setup PT Magic on Ubuntu in _Chinese_ [here]( and **Nidkil** in English [here](
**A Rasberry Pi Thread** exists on our old repository which you might find helpful, [here]( **A Rasberry Pi Thread** See [here](
## Quick Start ## Quick Start
To run PTMagic on a Linux server you have to install .NET Core and a webserver. The steps and commands are slightly different for each Linux distribution, so you need to find the instructions that are right for your Linux flavour. To run PTMagic on a Linux server you have to install .NET Core and a webserver. The steps and commands are slightly different for each Linux distribution, so you need to find the instructions that are right for your Linux flavour.
### Download and setup ASP.NET Core ### Download and setup ASP.NET Core and the .NET Runtime
Click this [link]( to find instructions to download and setup .NET Core on your Linux distribution (exampe is Ubuntu Linux). You only need to execute the first 2 topics: Click this [link]( to download. You'll need:
1. Add the dotnet product feed 1. .NET Desktop Runtime 3.1.x
2. Install .NET SDK 2. ASP.NET Core Runtime 3.1.x
**Note:** It seems that you also need to install the .NET framework runtime package store with Once downloaded, extract the both files using:
> apt-get install aspnetcore-store-2.0.5 > sudo tar zxf dotnet-aspnetcore-runtime-3.1.13-linux-arm64.tar -C /opt/dotnet/dotnet-runtime-3.1.13/
> sudo tar zxf dotnet-runtime-3.1.13-linux.tar -C /opt/dotnet/dotnet-runtime-3.1.13/
Now, let's verify that dotnet works:
> cd /usr/share/dotnet/
> ls -lisa
> ./dotnet --info
Now, let's get it working from any directory:
> sudo nano ./profile
Scroll right down to the bottom and add the following:
> export PATH=$PATH:/opt/dotnet/dotnet-runtime-3.1.13
> export DOTNET_ROOT=/opt/dotnet/dotnet-runtime3.1.13
Save and export the file.
Now we need to reboot the system to apply the environment change.
> sudo reboot
Once rebooted, you should be able to use dotnet from any folder with the following command, this verifies dotnet is installed correctly.
> dotnet --info
**Note:** Failing the manual method, you can also install the .NET framework runtime package store with the package manager manually with:
> apt-get install aspnetcore-store-3.1.13
This installs a lot of packages for offline usage that is needed by ASP.NET Core (PT Magic monitor). This installs a lot of packages for offline usage that is needed by ASP.NET Core (PT Magic monitor).
@ -36,4 +67,64 @@ and the monitor application with
> dotnet Monitor/Monitor.dll > dotnet Monitor/Monitor.dll
If something is not working as expected please have a look at our [Post Install Checklist]( and [FAQ]( If something is not working as expected please have a look at our [Post-Install Checklist]( and [FAQ](
### Automate startup with pm2
1. Install npm and pm2
> sudo apt-get install nodejs
> sudo apt-get install npm
> sudo npm install pm2 -g
2. Create a JSON file for pm2
In the command line, navigate to your ProfitTrailer Magic directory.
We will now create a pm2 startup file for the core Profit Trailer Magic application.
> sudo nano pm2-PTM-core.json
Copy and paste the following:
> {
> "apps": [{
> "name": "ptm-core",
> "cwd": ".",
> "script": "PTMagic.dll",
> "node_args": [],
> "log_date_format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z",
> "exec_interpreter": "dotnet",
> "exec_mode": "fork",
> "autorestart": true
> }]
> }
We will now create a pm2 startup file for the Profit Trailer Magic Monitor application.
> sudo nano pm2-PTM-monitor.json
Copy and paste the following:
> "apps": [{
> "name": "ptm-monitor",
> "cwd": ".",
> "script": "Monitor/Monitor.dll",
> "node_args": [],
> "log_date_format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z",
> "exec_interpreter": "don't",
> "exec_mode": "fork",
> "autorestart": true
> }]
3. From your ProfitTrailer Magic directory, start up your files using pm2
> pm2 start pm2-PTM-core.json
> pm2 start pm2-PTM-monitor.json
4. Automate startup
> pm2 save
> pm2 startup