Created settings.analyzer (markdown)
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This is a description of the analyzer settings of the Profit Trailer Magic application. A guide for editing JSON files can be found [here](
# MarketAnalyzer
### StoreDataMaxHours
Number of hours to store market data.
`Default: 24`
`Expected values: Integer`
### IntervalMinutes
Interval in minutes for PTMagic to run the analyzer, to check market trends and triggers
`Default: 5`
`Expected values: Integer`
### ExcludeMainCurrency
Excludes the main currency (for example BTC) from market trend analysis on CoinMarketCap
`Default: true`
`Expected values: true, false`
## MarketTrends
A collection of market trends.
#### Name
UNIQUE market trend name (to be referenced by your triggers below)
`Expected values: String`
#### Platform
Platform to grab prices from.
`Expected values: CoinMarketCap, Exchange`
#### MaxMarkets
Number of markets/pairs to analyze sorted by 24h volume in descending order.
Setting this to 0 will be equivalent to ALL.
`Expected values: Integer`
#### TrendMinutes
Number of minutes to build a trend (1440 = 24h, 720 = 12h, 60 = 1h)
`Expected values: Integer`
#### DisplayGraph
Displays or hides the graph for this trend on the dashboard of your PT Magic monitor. Especially for users that are using many trends this may be useful to hide some graphs to make the diagram look less like a big mess.
`Default: true`
`Expected values: true, false`
#### TrendCurrency
Trend Currency to build the trend against. If set to "Fiat", the trend will take the USD value of your main currency into account to build the trend.
`Default: Market`
`Expected values: Market, Fiat`
#### IgnoredMarkets
Comma separated list of markets you want to be ignored in this market trend.
`Default: Empty`
`Expected values: Comma separated list of market pairs (BTC-ETH, BNBBTC etc.)`
#### AllowedMarkets
Comma separated list of markets you want to be allowed in this market trend.
`Default: Empty (Empty = All markets are allowed)`
`Expected values: Comma separated list of market pairs (BTC-ETH, BNBBTC etc.)`
#### DisplayOnMarketAnalyzerList
This enables the users to hide certain market trends from the long market list on market analyzer to get a better overview while scrolling down that list
`Default: true`
`Expected values: true, false`
## GlobalSettings
Global settings for Profit Trailer properties.
#### SettingName
UNIQUE name of your setting
`Expected values: String`
#### TriggerConnection
Define if triggers will be connected by AND or OR.
`Expected values: AND, OR`
#### Triggers
Your triggers for this setting
##### MarketTrendName
Reference to the market trend specified above.
`Expected values: Existing market trend name`
##### MaxChange
Maximum trend change % for this setting to get triggered (see this [Guide](
`Expected values: Float`
##### MinChange
Minimum trend change % for this setting to get triggered (see this [Guide](
`Expected values: Float`
#### PairsProperties
#### DCAProperties
Properties for DCA.PROPERTIES
#### IndicatorsProperties
## SingleMarketSettings
Single market/pair settings for Profit Trailer properties.
#### SettingName
UNIQUE name of your setting
`Expected values: String`
#### TriggerConnection
Define if triggers will be connected by AND or OR.
`Expected values: AND, OR`
#### OffTriggerConnection
Define if off triggers will be connected by AND or OR.
`Expected values: AND, OR`
#### IgnoredMarkets
Comma separated list of markets you want to be ignored in this single market setting.
`Default: Empty`
`Expected values: Comma separated list of market pairs (BTC-ETH, BNBBTC etc.)`
#### AllowedMarkets
Comma separated list of markets you want to be allowed in this single market setting.
`Default: Empty (Empty = All markets are allowed)`
`Expected values: Comma separated list of market pairs (BTC-ETH, BNBBTC etc.)`
#### IgnoredGlobalSettings
Comma separated list of global settings you want to be ignored in this single market setting.
`Default: Empty`
`Expected values: Comma separated list of global settings`
#### AllowedGlobalSettings
Comma separated list of global settings you want to be allowed in this single market setting.
`Default: Empty (Empty = All global settings are allowed)`
`Expected values: Comma separated list of global settings`
#### StopProcessWhenTriggered
Stops looking for other single market settings when this setting gets triggered for a market.
`Default: false`
`Expected values: true, false`
#### Triggers
Your triggers for this setting
##### MarketTrendName
Reference to the market trend specified above.
`Expected values: Existing market trend name`
##### AgeDaysLowerThan
Age of a coin in days since it got added to the exchange. The age has to be lower than the amount of days specified in this trigger to be matched.
`Expected values: Integer (max 100)`
##### MarketTrendRelation
The relation of the single market trend. Relative = Single market trend compared relative to the market trend / Absolute = Single market trend viewn on its own
`Expected values: Relative, Absolute`
##### MaxChange
Maximum trend change % for this setting to get triggered (see this [Guide](
`Expected values: Float`
##### MinChange
Minimum trend change % for this setting to get triggered (see this [Guide](
`Expected values: Float`
##### Max24hVolume
Maximum 24h volume for this setting to get triggered
`Expected values: Float`
##### Min24hVolume
Minimum 24h volume for this setting to get triggered
`Expected values: Float`
#### Off Triggers
Your off triggers for this setting
##### MarketTrendName
Reference to the market trend specified above.
`Expected values: Existing market trend name`
##### HoursSinceTriggered
Hours since the setting was last triggered/refreshed.
`Expected values: Integer`
##### MarketTrendRelation
The relation of the single market trend.
Relative = Single market trend compared relative to the market trend
RelativeTrigger = Single market trend compared relative to price when the trigger was matched
Absolute = Single market trend viewn on its own
`Expected values: Relative, RelativeTrigger, Absolute`
##### MaxChange
Maximum trend change % for this setting to get triggered (see this [Guide](
`Expected values: Float`
##### MinChange
Minimum trend change % for this setting to get triggered (see this [Guide](
`Expected values: Float`
##### Max24hVolume
Maximum 24h volume for this setting to get triggered
`Expected values: Float`
##### Min24hVolume
Minimum 24h volume for this setting to get triggered
`Expected values: Float`
#### PairsProperties
#### DCAProperties
Properties for DCA.PROPERTIES
#### IndicatorsProperties
Reference in New Issue