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jQuery-Circle-Plugin v0.1 by Jamal hassouni
(function ($) {
// circle animation pluqins by jamal hassouni
$.fn.circlos = function () {
// deafualt options
var DEFAULTS = {
backgroundColor: '#b3cef6', // default background color
progressColor: '#4b86db', // default progress color
percent: 75, // default percent value
duration: 2000 // default duration value
$(this).each(function () {
var $target = $(this);
// options of circle
var options = {
// if isset value of background if not use the default value of background color
backgroundColor: $'color') ? $'color').split(',')[0] : DEFAULTS.backgroundColor,
// if isset value of progress if not use the default value of progress color
progressColor: $'color') ? $'color').split(',')[1] : DEFAULTS.progressColor,
// if isset value of percent if not use the default value of percent
percent: $'percent') ? $'percent') : DEFAULTS.percent,
// if isset value of duration if not use the default value of duration
duration: $'duration') ? $'duration') : DEFAULTS.duration
// add divs for structure
$target.append('<div class="background"></div><div class="rotate"></div><div class="left"></div><div class="right"></div><div class=""><span>' + options.percent + '%</span></div>');
// change style of the circle with the options values
$target.find('.background').css('background-color', options.backgroundColor);
$target.find('.left').css('background-color', options.backgroundColor);
$target.find('.rotate').css('background-color', options.progressColor);
$target.find('.right').css('background-color', options.progressColor);
var $rotate = $target.find('.rotate');
setTimeout(function () {
'transition': 'transform ' + options.duration + 'ms linear',
'transform': 'rotate(' + options.percent * 3.6 + 'deg)'
if (options.percent > 50) {
// add animation for the right class and left class
var animationRight = 'toggle ' + (options.duration / options.percent * 50) + 'ms step-end';
var animationLeft = 'toggle ' + (options.duration / options.percent * 50) + 'ms step-start';
animation: animationRight,
opacity: 1
animation: animationLeft,
opacity: 0