/** * Theme: Ubold Admin Template * Author: Coderthemes * VectorMap */ ! function($) { "use strict"; var VectorMap = function() { }; VectorMap.prototype.init = function() { //various examples $('#world-map-markers').vectorMap({ map : 'world_mill_en', scaleColors : ['#ea6c9c', '#ea6c9c'], normalizeFunction : 'polynomial', hoverOpacity : 0.7, hoverColor : false, regionStyle : { initial : { fill : '#5fbeaa' } }, markerStyle: { initial: { r: 9, 'fill': '#a288d5', 'fill-opacity': 0.9, 'stroke': '#fff', 'stroke-width' : 7, 'stroke-opacity': 0.4 }, hover: { 'stroke': '#fff', 'fill-opacity': 1, 'stroke-width': 1.5 } }, backgroundColor : 'transparent', markers : [{ latLng : [41.90, 12.45], name : 'Vatican City' }, { latLng : [43.73, 7.41], name : 'Monaco' }, { latLng : [-0.52, 166.93], name : 'Nauru' }, { latLng : [-8.51, 179.21], name : 'Tuvalu' }, { latLng : [43.93, 12.46], name : 'San Marino' }, { latLng : [47.14, 9.52], name : 'Liechtenstein' }, { latLng : [7.11, 171.06], name : 'Marshall Islands' }, { latLng : [17.3, -62.73], name : 'Saint Kitts and Nevis' }, { latLng : [3.2, 73.22], name : 'Maldives' }, { latLng : [35.88, 14.5], name : 'Malta' }, { latLng : [12.05, -61.75], name : 'Grenada' }, { latLng : [13.16, -61.23], name : 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' }, { latLng : [13.16, -59.55], name : 'Barbados' }, { latLng : [17.11, -61.85], name : 'Antigua and Barbuda' }, { latLng : [-4.61, 55.45], name : 'Seychelles' }, { latLng : [7.35, 134.46], name : 'Palau' }, { latLng : [42.5, 1.51], name : 'Andorra' }, { latLng : [14.01, -60.98], name : 'Saint Lucia' }, { latLng : [6.91, 158.18], name : 'Federated States of Micronesia' }, { latLng : [1.3, 103.8], name : 'Singapore' }, { latLng : [1.46, 173.03], name : 'Kiribati' }, { latLng : [-21.13, -175.2], name : 'Tonga' }, { latLng : [15.3, -61.38], name : 'Dominica' }, { latLng : [-20.2, 57.5], name : 'Mauritius' }, { latLng : [26.02, 50.55], name : 'Bahrain' }, { latLng : [0.33, 6.73], name : 'São Tomé and Príncipe' }] }); $('#india').vectorMap({ map : 'in_mill', backgroundColor : 'transparent', regionStyle : { initial : { fill : '#5d9cec' } } }); $('#uk').vectorMap({ map : 'uk_mill_en', backgroundColor : 'transparent', regionStyle : { initial : { fill : '#81c868' } } }); $('#usa').vectorMap({ map : 'us_aea_en', backgroundColor : 'transparent', regionStyle : { initial : { fill : '#fb6d9d' } } }); $('#chicago').vectorMap({ map : 'us-il-chicago_mill_en', backgroundColor : 'transparent', regionStyle : { initial : { fill : '#34d3eb' } } }); $('#australia').vectorMap({ map : 'au_mill', backgroundColor : 'transparent', regionStyle : { initial : { fill : '#ffbd4a' } } }); $('#canada').vectorMap({ map : 'ca_lcc', backgroundColor : 'transparent', regionStyle : { initial : { fill : '#f05050' } } }); $('#germany').vectorMap({ map : 'de_mill', backgroundColor : 'transparent', regionStyle : { initial : { fill : '#7266ba' } } }); $('#asia').vectorMap({ map : 'asia_mill', backgroundColor : 'transparent', regionStyle : { initial : { fill : '#4c5667' } } }); }, //init $.VectorMap = new VectorMap, $.VectorMap.Constructor = VectorMap }(window.jQuery), //initializing function($) { "use strict"; $.VectorMap.init() }(window.jQuery);