using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Diagnostics; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Core.Main.DataObjects.PTMagicData; namespace Core.Main.DataObjects { public class ProfitTrailerData { private SummaryData _summary = null; private Properties _properties = null; private List _stats = null; private List _sellLog = new List(); private List _dcaLog = new List(); private List _buyLog = new List(); private string _ptmBasePath = ""; private PTMagicConfiguration _systemConfiguration = null; private TransactionData _transactionData = null; private DateTime _statsRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow,_buyLogRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow, _sellLogRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow, _dcaLogRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow, _summaryRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow, _propertiesRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow; private volatile object _statsLock = new object(),_buyLock = new object(), _sellLock = new object(), _dcaLock = new object(), _summaryLock = new object(), _propertiesLock = new object(); private TimeSpan? _offsetTimeSpan = null; public void DoLog(string message) { // Implement your logging logic here Console.WriteLine(message); } // Constructor public ProfitTrailerData(PTMagicConfiguration systemConfiguration) { _systemConfiguration = systemConfiguration; } // Get a time span for the UTC offset from the settings private TimeSpan OffsetTimeSpan { get { if (!_offsetTimeSpan.HasValue) { // Get offset for settings. _offsetTimeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse(_systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.TimezoneOffset.Replace("+", "")); } return _offsetTimeSpan.Value; } } // Get the time with the settings UTC offset applied private DateTimeOffset LocalizedTime { get { return DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToOffset(OffsetTimeSpan); } } public SummaryData Summary { get { if (_summary == null || (DateTime.UtcNow > _summaryRefresh)) { lock (_summaryLock) { // Thread double locking if (_summary == null || (DateTime.UtcNow > _summaryRefresh)) { _summary = BuildSummaryData(GetDataFromProfitTrailer("api/v2/data/misc")); _summaryRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(_systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Monitor.RefreshSeconds - 1); } } } return _summary; } } public Properties Properties { get { if (_properties == null || (DateTime.UtcNow > _propertiesRefresh)) { lock (_propertiesLock) { // Thread double locking if (_properties == null || (DateTime.UtcNow > _propertiesRefresh)) { _properties = BuildProptertiesData(GetDataFromProfitTrailer("api/v2/data/properties")); _propertiesRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(_systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Monitor.RefreshSeconds - 1); } } } return _properties; } } public List Stats { get { if (_stats == null || DateTime.UtcNow > _statsRefresh) { lock (_statsLock) { if (_stats == null || DateTime.UtcNow > _statsRefresh) { dynamic statsDataJson = GetDataFromProfitTrailer("/api/v2/data/stats"); JObject statsDataJObject = statsDataJson as JObject; JObject basicSection = (JObject)statsDataJObject["basic"]; _stats = new List { BuildStatsData(basicSection) }; _statsRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(_systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Monitor.RefreshSeconds - 1); } } } return _stats; } } public List SellLog { get { if (_sellLog == null || (DateTime.UtcNow > _sellLogRefresh)) { lock (_sellLock) { // Thread double locking if (_sellLog == null || (DateTime.UtcNow > _sellLogRefresh)) { _sellLog.Clear(); // Page through the sales data summarizing it. bool exitLoop = false; int pageIndex = 1; // 1 record per page to allow user to set max records to retrieve int maxPages = _systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Monitor.MaxSalesRecords; int requestedPages = 0; while (!exitLoop && requestedPages < maxPages) { var sellDataPage = GetDataFromProfitTrailer("/api/v2/data/sales?Page=1&perPage=1&sort=SOLDDATE&sortDirection=DESCENDING&page=" + pageIndex); if (sellDataPage != null && > 0) { // Add sales data page to collection this.BuildSellLogData(sellDataPage); pageIndex++; requestedPages++; Console.WriteLine($"Importing sale: {pageIndex}"); } else { // All data retrieved exitLoop = true; } } // Update sell log refresh time _sellLogRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(_systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Monitor.RefreshSeconds -1); } } } return _sellLog; } } public List DCALog { get { if (_dcaLog == null || (DateTime.UtcNow > _dcaLogRefresh)) { lock (_dcaLock) { // Thread double locking if (_dcaLog == null || (DateTime.UtcNow > _dcaLogRefresh)) { dynamic dcaData = null, pairsData = null, pendingData = null, watchData = null; _dcaLog.Clear(); Parallel.Invoke(() => { dcaData = GetDataFromProfitTrailer("/api/v2/data/dca", true); }, () => { pairsData = GetDataFromProfitTrailer("/api/v2/data/pairs", true); }, () => { pendingData = GetDataFromProfitTrailer("/api/v2/data/pending", true); }, () => { watchData = GetDataFromProfitTrailer("/api/v2/data/watchmode", true); }); this.BuildDCALogData(dcaData, pairsData, pendingData, watchData); _dcaLogRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(_systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Monitor.BagAnalyzerRefreshSeconds - 1); } } } return _dcaLog; } } public List BuyLog { get { if (_buyLog == null || (DateTime.UtcNow > _buyLogRefresh)) { lock (_buyLock) { // Thread double locking if (_buyLog == null || (DateTime.UtcNow > _buyLogRefresh)) { _buyLog.Clear(); this.BuildBuyLogData(GetDataFromProfitTrailer("/api/v2/data/pbl", true)); _buyLogRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(_systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Monitor.BuyAnalyzerRefreshSeconds - 1); } } } return _buyLog; } } public TransactionData TransactionData { get { if (_transactionData == null) _transactionData = new TransactionData(_ptmBasePath); return _transactionData; } } public double GetCurrentBalance() { return (this.Summary.Balance); } public double GetPairsBalance() { return (this.Summary.PairsValue); } public double GetDCABalance() { return (this.Summary.DCAValue); } public double GetPendingBalance() { return (this.Summary.PendingValue); } public double GetDustBalance() { return (this.Summary.DustValue); } public double GetSnapshotBalance(DateTime snapshotDateTime) { double result = _systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.StartBalance; result += this.SellLog.FindAll(sl => sl.SoldDate.Date < snapshotDateTime.Date).Sum(sl => sl.Profit); result += this.TransactionData.Transactions.FindAll(t => t.UTCDateTime < snapshotDateTime).Sum(t => t.Amount); // Calculate holdings for snapshot date result += this.DCALog.FindAll(pairs => pairs.FirstBoughtDate <= snapshotDateTime).Sum(pairs => pairs.CurrentValue); return result; } private dynamic GetDataFromProfitTrailer(string callPath, bool arrayReturned = false) { string rawBody = ""; string url = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}token={3}", _systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.ProfitTrailerMonitorURL, callPath, callPath.Contains("?") ? "&" : "?", _systemConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.ProfitTrailerServerAPIToken); // Get the data from PT Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - Calling '{1}'", DateTime.UtcNow, url)); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip; request.KeepAlive = true; WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); using (Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); rawBody = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); } response.Close(); if (!arrayReturned) { return JObject.Parse(rawBody); } else { return JArray.Parse(rawBody); } } private SummaryData BuildSummaryData(dynamic PTData) { return new SummaryData() { Market =, Balance = PTData.realBalance, PairsValue = PTData.totalPairsCurrentValue, DCAValue = PTData.totalDCACurrentValue, PendingValue = PTData.totalPendingCurrentValue, DustValue = PTData.totalDustCurrentValue }; } private Properties BuildProptertiesData(dynamic PTProperties) { return new Properties() { Currency = PTProperties.currency, Shorting = PTProperties.shorting, Margin = PTProperties.margin, UpTime = PTProperties.upTime, Port = PTProperties.port, IsLeverageExchange = PTProperties.isLeverageExchange, BaseUrl = PTProperties.baseUrl }; } private StatsData BuildStatsData(dynamic statsDataJson) { return new StatsData() { SalesToday = statsDataJson["totalSalesToday"], ProfitToday = statsDataJson["totalProfitToday"], ProfitPercToday = statsDataJson["totalProfitPercToday"], SalesYesterday = statsDataJson["totalSalesYesterday"], ProfitYesterday = statsDataJson["totalProfitYesterday"], ProfitPercYesterday = statsDataJson["totalProfitPercYesterday"], SalesWeek = statsDataJson["totalSalesWeek"], ProfitWeek = statsDataJson["totalProfitWeek"], ProfitPercWeek = statsDataJson["totalProfitPercWeek"], SalesMonth = statsDataJson["totalSalesThisMonth"], ProfitMonth = statsDataJson["totalProfitThisMonth"], ProfitPercMonth = statsDataJson["totalProfitPercThisMonth"], TotalProfit = statsDataJson["totalProfit"], TotalSales = statsDataJson["totalSales"], TotalProfitPerc = statsDataJson["totalProfitPerc"], FundingToday = statsDataJson["totalFundingToday"], FundingYesterday = statsDataJson["totalFundingYesterday"], FundingWeek = statsDataJson["totalFundingWeek"], FundingMonth = statsDataJson["totalFundingThisMonth"], FundingTotal = statsDataJson["totalFunding"] }; } private void BuildSellLogData(dynamic rawSellLogData) { foreach (var rsld in { SellLogData sellLogData = new SellLogData(); sellLogData.SoldAmount = rsld.soldAmount; sellLogData.BoughtTimes = rsld.boughtTimes; sellLogData.Market =; sellLogData.ProfitPercent = rsld.profit; sellLogData.SoldPrice = rsld.currentPrice; sellLogData.AverageBuyPrice = rsld.avgPrice; sellLogData.TotalCost = rsld.totalCost; sellLogData.Profit = rsld.profitCurrency; //Convert Unix Timestamp to Datetime System.DateTime dtDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); dtDateTime = dtDateTime.AddSeconds((double)rsld.soldDate).ToUniversalTime(); // Profit Trailer sales are saved in UTC DateTimeOffset ptSoldDate = DateTimeOffset.Parse(dtDateTime.Year.ToString() + "-" + dtDateTime.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + dtDateTime.Day.ToString("00") + "T" + dtDateTime.Hour.ToString("00") + ":" + dtDateTime.Minute.ToString("00") + ":" + dtDateTime.Second.ToString("00"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal); // Convert UTC sales time to local offset time ptSoldDate = ptSoldDate.ToOffset(OffsetTimeSpan); sellLogData.SoldDate = ptSoldDate.DateTime; _sellLog.Add(sellLogData); } } private void BuildDCALogData(dynamic rawDCALogData, dynamic rawPairsLogData, dynamic rawPendingLogData, dynamic rawWatchModeLogData) { // Parse DCA data _dcaLog.AddRange(ParsePairsData(rawDCALogData, true)); // Parse Pairs data _dcaLog.AddRange(ParsePairsData(rawPairsLogData, false)); // Parse pending pairs data _dcaLog.AddRange(ParsePairsData(rawPendingLogData, false)); // Parse watch only pairs data _dcaLog.AddRange(ParsePairsData(rawWatchModeLogData, false)); } // Parse the pairs data from PT to our own common data structure. private List ParsePairsData(dynamic pairsData, bool processBuyStrategies) { List pairs = new List(); foreach (var pair in pairsData) { DCALogData dcaLogData = new DCALogData(); dcaLogData.Amount = pair.totalAmount; dcaLogData.BoughtTimes = pair.boughtTimes; dcaLogData.Market =; dcaLogData.ProfitPercent = pair.profit; dcaLogData.AverageBuyPrice = pair.avgPrice; dcaLogData.TotalCost = pair.totalCost; dcaLogData.BuyTriggerPercent = pair.buyProfit; dcaLogData.CurrentLowBBValue = pair.bbLow == null ? 0 : pair.bbLow; dcaLogData.CurrentHighBBValue = pair.highBb == null ? 0 : pair.highBb; dcaLogData.BBTrigger = pair.bbTrigger == null ? 0 : pair.bbTrigger; dcaLogData.CurrentPrice = pair.currentPrice; dcaLogData.SellTrigger = pair.triggerValue == null ? 0 : pair.triggerValue; dcaLogData.PercChange = pair.percChange; dcaLogData.Leverage = pair.leverage == null ? 0 : pair.leverage; dcaLogData.BuyStrategy = pair.buyStrategy == null ? "" : pair.buyStrategy; dcaLogData.SellStrategy = pair.sellStrategy == null ? "" : pair.sellStrategy; dcaLogData.IsTrailing = false; // See if they are using PT 2.5 (buyStrategiesData) or 2.4 (buyStrategies) var buyStrats = pair.buyStrategies != null ? pair.buyStrategies :; if (buyStrats != null && processBuyStrategies) { foreach (var bs in buyStrats) { Strategy buyStrategy = new Strategy(); buyStrategy.Type = bs.type; buyStrategy.Name =; buyStrategy.EntryValue = bs.entryValue; buyStrategy.EntryValueLimit = bs.entryValueLimit; buyStrategy.TriggerValue = bs.triggerValue; buyStrategy.CurrentValue = bs.currentValue; buyStrategy.CurrentValuePercentage = bs.currentValuePercentage; buyStrategy.Decimals = bs.decimals; buyStrategy.IsTrailing = bs.trailing; buyStrategy.IsTrue = bs.strategyResult; dcaLogData.BuyStrategies.Add(buyStrategy); } } // See if they are using PT 2.5 (sellStrategiesData) or 2.4 (sellStrategies) var sellStrats = pair.sellStrategies != null ? pair.sellStrategies :; if (sellStrats != null) { foreach (var ss in sellStrats) { Strategy sellStrategy = new Strategy(); sellStrategy.Type = ss.type; sellStrategy.Name =; sellStrategy.EntryValue = ss.entryValue; sellStrategy.EntryValueLimit = ss.entryValueLimit; sellStrategy.TriggerValue = ss.triggerValue; sellStrategy.CurrentValue = ss.currentValue; sellStrategy.CurrentValuePercentage = ss.currentValuePercentage; sellStrategy.Decimals = ss.decimals; sellStrategy.IsTrailing = ss.trailing; sellStrategy.IsTrue = ss.strategyResult; dcaLogData.SellStrategies.Add(sellStrategy); // Find the target percentage gain to sell. if (sellStrategy.Name.Contains("GAIN", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (!dcaLogData.TargetGainValue.HasValue || dcaLogData.TargetGainValue.Value > sellStrategy.EntryValue) { // Set the target sell percentage dcaLogData.TargetGainValue = sellStrategy.EntryValue; } } } } // Calculate current value dcaLogData.CurrentValue = dcaLogData.CurrentPrice * dcaLogData.Amount; // Convert Unix Timestamp to Datetime System.DateTime rdldDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); rdldDateTime = rdldDateTime.AddSeconds((double)pair.firstBoughtDate).ToUniversalTime(); // Profit Trailer bought times are saved in UTC if (pair.firstBoughtDate > 0) { DateTimeOffset ptFirstBoughtDate = DateTimeOffset.Parse(rdldDateTime.Year.ToString() + "-" + rdldDateTime.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + rdldDateTime.Day.ToString("00") + "T" + rdldDateTime.Hour.ToString("00") + ":" + rdldDateTime.Minute.ToString("00") + ":" + rdldDateTime.Second.ToString("00"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal); // Convert UTC bought time to local offset time ptFirstBoughtDate = ptFirstBoughtDate.ToOffset(OffsetTimeSpan); dcaLogData.FirstBoughtDate = ptFirstBoughtDate.DateTime; } else { dcaLogData.FirstBoughtDate = Constants.confMinDate; } _dcaLog.Add(dcaLogData); } return pairs; } private void BuildBuyLogData(dynamic rawBuyLogData) { foreach (var rbld in rawBuyLogData) { BuyLogData buyLogData = new BuyLogData() { IsTrailing = false, IsTrue = false, IsSom = false, TrueStrategyCount = 0 }; buyLogData.Market =; buyLogData.ProfitPercent = rbld.profit; buyLogData.CurrentPrice = rbld.currentPrice; buyLogData.PercChange = rbld.percChange; buyLogData.Volume24h = rbld.volume; if (rbld.positive != null) { buyLogData.IsTrailing = ((string)(rbld.positive)).IndexOf("trailing", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1; buyLogData.IsTrue = ((string)(rbld.positive)).IndexOf("true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1; } else { // Parse buy strategies // See if they are using PT 2.5 (buyStrategiesData) or 2.4 (buyStrategies) var buyStrats = rbld.buyStrategies != null ? rbld.buyStrategies :; if (buyStrats != null) { foreach (var bs in buyStrats) { Strategy buyStrategy = new Strategy(); buyStrategy.Type = bs.type; buyStrategy.Name =; buyStrategy.EntryValue = bs.entryValue; buyStrategy.EntryValueLimit = bs.entryValueLimit; buyStrategy.TriggerValue = bs.triggerValue; buyStrategy.CurrentValue = bs.currentValue; buyStrategy.CurrentValuePercentage = bs.currentValuePercentage; buyStrategy.Decimals = bs.decimals; buyStrategy.IsTrailing = bs.trailing; buyStrategy.IsTrue = bs.strategyResult; // Is SOM? buyLogData.IsSom = buyLogData.IsSom || buyStrategy.Name.Contains("som enabled", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // Is the pair trailing? buyLogData.IsTrailing = buyLogData.IsTrailing || buyStrategy.IsTrailing; buyLogData.IsTrue = buyLogData.IsTrue || buyStrategy.IsTrue; // True status strategy count total buyLogData.TrueStrategyCount += buyStrategy.IsTrue ? 1 : 0; // Add buyLogData.BuyStrategies.Add(buyStrategy); } } } _buyLog.Add(buyLogData); } } } }