/** * JustGage - this is work-in-progress, unreleased, unofficial code, so it might not work top-notch :) * Check http://www.justgage.com for official releases * Licensed under MIT. * @author Bojan Djuricic (@Toorshia) * * LATEST UPDATES * * ----------------------------- * March 16, 2014. * ----------------------------- * fix - https://github.com/toorshia/justgage/issues/112 * * ----------------------------- * February 16, 2014. * ----------------------------- * fix - https://github.com/toorshia/justgage/issues/102 * ----------------------------- * April 25, 2013. * ----------------------------- * use HTML5 data-* attributes of the DOM Element to render the gauge (which overrides the constructor options). * ----------------------------- * April 18, 2013. * ----------------------------- * parentNode - use this instead of id, to attach gauge to node which is outside of DOM tree - https://github.com/toorshia/justgage/issues/48 * width - force gauge width * height - force gauge height * ----------------------------- * April 17, 2013. * ----------------------------- * fix - https://github.com/toorshia/justgage/issues/49 * ----------------------------- * April 01, 2013. * ----------------------------- * fix - https://github.com/toorshia/justgage/issues/46 * ----------------------------- * March 26, 2013. * ----------------------------- * customSectors - define specific color for value range (0-10 : red, 10-30 : blue etc.) * ----------------------------- * March 23, 2013. * ----------------------------- * counter - option to animate value in counting fashion * fix - https://github.com/toorshia/justgage/issues/45 * ----------------------------- * March 13, 2013. * ----------------------------- * refresh method - added optional 'max' parameter to use when you need to update max value * ----------------------------- * February 26, 2013. * ----------------------------- * decimals - option to define/limit number of decimals when not using humanFriendly or customRenderer to display value * fixed a missing parameters bug when calling generateShadow() for IE < 9 * ----------------------------- * December 31, 2012. * ----------------------------- * fixed text y-position for hidden divs - workaround for Raphael <tspan> 'dy' bug - https://github.com/DmitryBaranovskiy/raphael/issues/491 * 'show' parameters, like showMinMax are now 'hide' because I am lame developer - please update these in your setups * Min and Max labels are now auto-off when in donut mode * Start angle in donut mode is now 90 * donutStartAngle - option to define start angle for donut * ----------------------------- * November 25, 2012. * ----------------------------- * Option to define custom rendering function for displayed value * ----------------------------- * November 19, 2012. * ----------------------------- * Config.value is now updated after gauge refresh * ----------------------------- * November 13, 2012. * ----------------------------- * Donut display mode added * Option to hide value label * Option to enable responsive gauge size * Removed default title attribute * Option to accept min and max defined as string values * Option to configure value symbol * Fixed bad aspect ratio calculations * Option to configure minimum font size for all texts * Option to show shorthand big numbers (human friendly) */ JustGage = function(config) { var obj = this; // Helps in case developer wants to debug it. unobtrusive if (config === null || config === undefined) { console.log('* justgage: Make sure to pass options to the constructor!'); return false; } var node; if (config.id !== null && config.id !== undefined) { node= document.getElementById(config.id); if (!node) { console.log('* justgage: No element with id : %s found', config.id); return false; } } else if (config.parentNode !== null && config.parentNode !== undefined) { node = config.parentNode; } else { console.log('* justgage: Make sure to pass the existing element id or parentNode to the constructor.'); return false; } var dataset = node.dataset ? node.dataset : {}; // configurable parameters obj.config = { // id : string // this is container element id id : config.id, // parentNode : node object // this is container element parentNode : obj.kvLookup('parentNode', config, dataset, null), // width : int // gauge width width : obj.kvLookup('width', config, dataset, null), // height : int // gauge height height : obj.kvLookup('height', config, dataset, null), // title : string // gauge title title : obj.kvLookup('title', config, dataset, ""), // titleFontColor : string // color of gauge title titleFontColor : obj.kvLookup('titleFontColor', config, dataset, "#999999"), // value : float // value gauge is showing value : obj.kvLookup('value', config, dataset, 0, 'float'), // valueFontColor : string // color of label showing current value valueFontColor : obj.kvLookup('valueFontColor', config, dataset, "#010101"), // symbol : string // special symbol to show next to value symbol : obj.kvLookup('symbol', config, dataset, ''), // min : float // min value min : obj.kvLookup('min', config, dataset, 0, 'float'), // max : float // max value max : obj.kvLookup('max', config, dataset, 100, 'float'), // humanFriendlyDecimal : int // number of decimal places for our human friendly number to contain humanFriendlyDecimal : obj.kvLookup('humanFriendlyDecimal', config, dataset, 0), // textRenderer: func // function applied before rendering text textRenderer : obj.kvLookup('textRenderer', config, dataset, null), // gaugeWidthScale : float // width of the gauge element gaugeWidthScale : obj.kvLookup('gaugeWidthScale', config, dataset, 1.0), // gaugeColor : string // background color of gauge element gaugeColor : obj.kvLookup('gaugeColor', config, dataset, "#edebeb"), // label : string // text to show below value label : obj.kvLookup('label', config, dataset, ''), // labelFontColor : string // color of label showing label under value labelFontColor : obj.kvLookup('labelFontColor', config, dataset, "#b3b3b3"), // shadowOpacity : int // 0 ~ 1 shadowOpacity : obj.kvLookup('shadowOpacity', config, dataset, 0.2), // shadowSize: int // inner shadow size shadowSize : obj.kvLookup('shadowSize', config, dataset, 5), // shadowVerticalOffset : int // how much shadow is offset from top shadowVerticalOffset : obj.kvLookup('shadowVerticalOffset', config, dataset, 3), // levelColors : string[] // colors of indicator, from lower to upper, in RGB format levelColors : obj.kvLookup('levelColors', config, dataset, [ "#a9d70b", "#f9c802", "#ff0000" ], 'array', ','), // startAnimationTime : int // length of initial animation startAnimationTime : obj.kvLookup('startAnimationTime', config, dataset, 700), // startAnimationType : string // type of initial animation (linear, >, <, <>, bounce) startAnimationType : obj.kvLookup('startAnimationType', config, dataset, '>'), // refreshAnimationTime : int // length of refresh animation refreshAnimationTime : obj.kvLookup('refreshAnimationTime', config, dataset, 700), // refreshAnimationType : string // type of refresh animation (linear, >, <, <>, bounce) refreshAnimationType : obj.kvLookup('refreshAnimationType', config, dataset, '>'), // donutStartAngle : int // angle to start from when in donut mode donutStartAngle : obj.kvLookup('donutStartAngle', config, dataset, 90), // valueMinFontSize : int // absolute minimum font size for the value valueMinFontSize : obj.kvLookup('valueMinFontSize', config, dataset, 16), // titleMinFontSize // absolute minimum font size for the title titleMinFontSize : obj.kvLookup('titleMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10), // labelMinFontSize // absolute minimum font size for the label labelMinFontSize : obj.kvLookup('labelMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10), // minLabelMinFontSize // absolute minimum font size for the minimum label minLabelMinFontSize : obj.kvLookup('minLabelMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10), // maxLabelMinFontSize // absolute minimum font size for the maximum label maxLabelMinFontSize : obj.kvLookup('maxLabelMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10), // hideValue : bool // hide value text hideValue : obj.kvLookup('hideValue', config, dataset, false), // hideMinMax : bool // hide min and max values hideMinMax : obj.kvLookup('hideMinMax', config, dataset, false), // hideInnerShadow : bool // hide inner shadow hideInnerShadow : obj.kvLookup('hideInnerShadow', config, dataset, false), // humanFriendly : bool // convert large numbers for min, max, value to human friendly (e.g. 1234567 -> 1.23M) humanFriendly : obj.kvLookup('humanFriendly', config, dataset, false), // noGradient : bool // whether to use gradual color change for value, or sector-based noGradient : obj.kvLookup('noGradient', config, dataset, false), // donut : bool // show full donut gauge donut : obj.kvLookup('donut', config, dataset, false), // relativeGaugeSize : bool // whether gauge size should follow changes in container element size relativeGaugeSize : obj.kvLookup('relativeGaugeSize', config, dataset, false), // counter : bool // animate level number change counter : obj.kvLookup('counter', config, dataset, false), // decimals : int // number of digits after floating point decimals : obj.kvLookup('decimals', config, dataset, 0), // customSectors : [] of objects // number of digits after floating point customSectors : obj.kvLookup('customSectors', config, dataset, []), // formatNumber: boolean // formats numbers with commas where appropriate formatNumber : obj.kvLookup('formatNumber', config, dataset, false) }; // variables var canvasW, canvasH, widgetW, widgetH, aspect, dx, dy, titleFontSize, titleX, titleY, valueFontSize, valueX, valueY, labelFontSize, labelX, labelY, minFontSize, minX, minY, maxFontSize, maxX, maxY; // overflow values if (obj.config.value > obj.config.max) obj.config.value = obj.config.max; if (obj.config.value < obj.config.min) obj.config.value = obj.config.min; obj.originalValue = obj.kvLookup('value', config, dataset, -1, 'float'); // create canvas if (obj.config.id !== null && (document.getElementById(obj.config.id)) !== null) { obj.canvas = Raphael(obj.config.id, "100%", "100%"); } else if (obj.config.parentNode !== null) { obj.canvas = Raphael(obj.config.parentNode, "100%", "100%"); } if (obj.config.relativeGaugeSize === true) { obj.canvas.setViewBox(0, 0, 200, 150, true); } // canvas dimensions if (obj.config.relativeGaugeSize === true) { canvasW = 200; canvasH = 150; } else if (obj.config.width !== null && obj.config.height !== null) { canvasW = obj.config.width; canvasH = obj.config.height; } else if (obj.config.parentNode !== null) { obj.canvas.setViewBox(0, 0, 200, 150, true); canvasW = 200; canvasH = 150; } else { canvasW = getStyle(document.getElementById(obj.config.id), "width").slice(0, -2) * 1; canvasH = getStyle(document.getElementById(obj.config.id), "height").slice(0, -2) * 1; } // widget dimensions if (obj.config.donut === true) { // DONUT ******************************* // width more than height if(canvasW > canvasH) { widgetH = canvasH; widgetW = widgetH; // width less than height } else if (canvasW < canvasH) { widgetW = canvasW; widgetH = widgetW; // if height don't fit, rescale both if(widgetH > canvasH) { aspect = widgetH / canvasH; widgetH = widgetH / aspect; widgetW = widgetH / aspect; } // equal } else { widgetW = canvasW; widgetH = widgetW; } // delta dx = (canvasW - widgetW)/2; dy = (canvasH - widgetH)/2; // title titleFontSize = ((widgetH / 8) > 10) ? (widgetH / 10) : 10; titleX = dx + widgetW / 2; titleY = dy + widgetH / 11; // value valueFontSize = ((widgetH / 6.4) > 16) ? (widgetH / 5.4) : 18; valueX = dx + widgetW / 2; if(obj.config.label !== '') { valueY = dy + widgetH / 1.85; } else { valueY = dy + widgetH / 1.7; } // label labelFontSize = ((widgetH / 16) > 10) ? (widgetH / 16) : 10; labelX = dx + widgetW / 2; labelY = valueY + labelFontSize; // min minFontSize = ((widgetH / 16) > 10) ? (widgetH / 16) : 10; minX = dx + (widgetW / 10) + (widgetW / 6.666666666666667 * obj.config.gaugeWidthScale) / 2 ; minY = labelY; // max maxFontSize = ((widgetH / 16) > 10) ? (widgetH / 16) : 10; maxX = dx + widgetW - (widgetW / 10) - (widgetW / 6.666666666666667 * obj.config.gaugeWidthScale) / 2 ; maxY = labelY; } else { // HALF ******************************* // width more than height if(canvasW > canvasH) { widgetH = canvasH; widgetW = widgetH * 1.25; //if width doesn't fit, rescale both if(widgetW > canvasW) { aspect = widgetW / canvasW; widgetW = widgetW / aspect; widgetH = widgetH / aspect; } // width less than height } else if (canvasW < canvasH) { widgetW = canvasW; widgetH = widgetW / 1.25; // if height don't fit, rescale both if(widgetH > canvasH) { aspect = widgetH / canvasH; widgetH = widgetH / aspect; widgetW = widgetH / aspect; } // equal } else { widgetW = canvasW; widgetH = widgetW * 0.75; } // delta dx = (canvasW - widgetW)/2; dy = (canvasH - widgetH)/2; // title titleFontSize = ((widgetH / 8) > obj.config.titleMinFontSize) ? (widgetH / 10) : obj.config.titleMinFontSize; titleX = dx + widgetW / 2; titleY = dy + widgetH / 6.4; // value valueFontSize = ((widgetH / 6.5) > obj.config.valueMinFontSize) ? (widgetH / 6.5) : obj.config.valueMinFontSize; valueX = dx + widgetW / 2; valueY = dy + widgetH / 1.275; // label labelFontSize = ((widgetH / 16) > obj.config.labelMinFontSize) ? (widgetH / 16) : obj.config.labelMinFontSize; labelX = dx + widgetW / 2; labelY = valueY + valueFontSize / 2 + 5; // min minFontSize = ((widgetH / 16) > obj.config.minLabelMinFontSize) ? (widgetH / 16) : obj.config.minLabelMinFontSize; minX = dx + (widgetW / 10) + (widgetW / 6.666666666666667 * obj.config.gaugeWidthScale) / 2 ; minY = labelY; // max maxFontSize = ((widgetH / 16) > obj.config.maxLabelMinFontSize) ? (widgetH / 16) : obj.config.maxLabelMinFontSize; maxX = dx + widgetW - (widgetW / 10) - (widgetW / 6.666666666666667 * obj.config.gaugeWidthScale) / 2 ; maxY = labelY; } // parameters obj.params = { canvasW : canvasW, canvasH : canvasH, widgetW : widgetW, widgetH : widgetH, dx : dx, dy : dy, titleFontSize : titleFontSize, titleX : titleX, titleY : titleY, valueFontSize : valueFontSize, valueX : valueX, valueY : valueY, labelFontSize : labelFontSize, labelX : labelX, labelY : labelY, minFontSize : minFontSize, minX : minX, minY : minY, maxFontSize : maxFontSize, maxX : maxX, maxY : maxY }; // var clear canvasW, canvasH, widgetW, widgetH, aspect, dx, dy, titleFontSize, titleX, titleY, valueFontSize, valueX, valueY, labelFontSize, labelX, labelY, minFontSize, minX, minY, maxFontSize, maxX, maxY = null; // pki - custom attribute for generating gauge paths obj.canvas.customAttributes.pki = function (value, min, max, w, h, dx, dy, gws, donut) { var alpha, Ro, Ri, Cx, Cy, Xo, Yo, Xi, Yi, path; if (donut) { alpha = (1 - 2 * (value - min) / (max - min)) * Math.PI; Ro = w / 2 - w / 7; Ri = Ro - w / 6.666666666666667 * gws; Cx = w / 2 + dx; Cy = h / 1.95 + dy; Xo = w / 2 + dx + Ro * Math.cos(alpha); Yo = h - (h - Cy) - Ro * Math.sin(alpha); Xi = w / 2 + dx + Ri * Math.cos(alpha); Yi = h - (h - Cy) - Ri * Math.sin(alpha); path = "M" + (Cx - Ri) + "," + Cy + " "; path += "L" + (Cx - Ro) + "," + Cy + " "; if (value > ((max - min) / 2)) { path += "A" + Ro + "," + Ro + " 0 0 1 " + (Cx + Ro) + "," + Cy + " "; } path += "A" + Ro + "," + Ro + " 0 0 1 " + Xo + "," + Yo + " "; path += "L" + Xi + "," + Yi + " "; if (value > ((max - min) / 2)) { path += "A" + Ri + "," + Ri + " 0 0 0 " + (Cx + Ri) + "," + Cy + " "; } path += "A" + Ri + "," + Ri + " 0 0 0 " + (Cx - Ri) + "," + Cy + " "; path += "Z "; return { path: path }; } else { alpha = (1 - (value - min) / (max - min)) * Math.PI; Ro = w / 2 - w / 10; Ri = Ro - w / 6.666666666666667 * gws; Cx = w / 2 + dx; Cy = h / 1.25 + dy; Xo = w / 2 + dx + Ro * Math.cos(alpha); Yo = h - (h - Cy) - Ro * Math.sin(alpha); Xi = w / 2 + dx + Ri * Math.cos(alpha); Yi = h - (h - Cy) - Ri * Math.sin(alpha); path = "M" + (Cx - Ri) + "," + Cy + " "; path += "L" + (Cx - Ro) + "," + Cy + " "; path += "A" + Ro + "," + Ro + " 0 0 1 " + Xo + "," + Yo + " "; path += "L" + Xi + "," + Yi + " "; path += "A" + Ri + "," + Ri + " 0 0 0 " + (Cx - Ri) + "," + Cy + " "; path += "Z "; return { path: path }; } // var clear alpha, Ro, Ri, Cx, Cy, Xo, Yo, Xi, Yi, path = null; }; // gauge obj.gauge = obj.canvas.path().attr({ "stroke": "none", "fill": obj.config.gaugeColor, pki: [ obj.config.max, obj.config.min, obj.config.max, obj.params.widgetW, obj.params.widgetH, obj.params.dx, obj.params.dy, obj.config.gaugeWidthScale, obj.config.donut ] }); // level obj.level = obj.canvas.path().attr({ "stroke": "none", "fill": getColor(obj.config.value, (obj.config.value - obj.config.min) / (obj.config.max - obj.config.min), obj.config.levelColors, obj.config.noGradient, obj.config.customSectors), pki: [ obj.config.min, obj.config.min, obj.config.max, obj.params.widgetW, obj.params.widgetH, obj.params.dx, obj.params.dy, obj.config.gaugeWidthScale, obj.config.donut ] }); if(obj.config.donut) { obj.level.transform("r" + obj.config.donutStartAngle + ", " + (obj.params.widgetW/2 + obj.params.dx) + ", " + (obj.params.widgetH/1.95 + obj.params.dy)); } // title obj.txtTitle = obj.canvas.text(obj.params.titleX, obj.params.titleY, obj.config.title); obj.txtTitle.attr({ "font-size":obj.params.titleFontSize, "font-weight":"bold", "font-family":"Arial", "fill":obj.config.titleFontColor, "fill-opacity":"1" }); setDy(obj.txtTitle, obj.params.titleFontSize, obj.params.titleY); // value obj.txtValue = obj.canvas.text(obj.params.valueX, obj.params.valueY, 0); obj.txtValue.attr({ "font-size":obj.params.valueFontSize, "font-weight":"bold", "font-family":"Arial", "fill":obj.config.valueFontColor, "fill-opacity":"0" }); setDy(obj.txtValue, obj.params.valueFontSize, obj.params.valueY); // label obj.txtLabel = obj.canvas.text(obj.params.labelX, obj.params.labelY, obj.config.label); obj.txtLabel.attr({ "font-size":obj.params.labelFontSize, "font-weight":"normal", "font-family":"Arial", "fill":obj.config.labelFontColor, "fill-opacity":"0" }); setDy(obj.txtLabel, obj.params.labelFontSize, obj.params.labelY); // min obj.txtMinimum = obj.config.min; if( obj.config.humanFriendly ) { obj.txtMinimum = humanFriendlyNumber( obj.config.min, obj.config.humanFriendlyDecimal ); } else if ( obj.config.formatNumber ) { obj.txtMinimum = formatNumber( obj.config.min ); } obj.txtMin = obj.canvas.text(obj.params.minX, obj.params.minY, obj.txtMinimum); obj.txtMin.attr({ "font-size":obj.params.minFontSize, "font-weight":"normal", "font-family":"Arial", "fill":obj.config.labelFontColor, "fill-opacity": (obj.config.hideMinMax || obj.config.donut)? "0" : "1" }); setDy(obj.txtMin, obj.params.minFontSize, obj.params.minY); // max obj.txtMaximum = obj.config.max; if( obj.config.formatNumber ) { obj.txtMaximum = formatNumber( obj.txtMaximum ); } else if( obj.config.humanFriendly ) { obj.txtMaximum = humanFriendlyNumber( obj.config.max, obj.config.humanFriendlyDecimal ); } obj.txtMax = obj.canvas.text(obj.params.maxX, obj.params.maxY, obj.txtMaximum); obj.txtMax.attr({ "font-size":obj.params.maxFontSize, "font-weight":"normal", "font-family":"Arial", "fill":obj.config.labelFontColor, "fill-opacity": (obj.config.hideMinMax || obj.config.donut)? "0" : "1" }); setDy(obj.txtMax, obj.params.maxFontSize, obj.params.maxY); var defs = obj.canvas.canvas.childNodes[1]; var svg = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; if (ie !== 'undefined' && ie < 9 ) { // VML mode - no SVG & SVG filter support } else if (ie !== 'undefined') { onCreateElementNsReady(function() { obj.generateShadow(svg, defs); }); } else { obj.generateShadow(svg, defs); } // var clear defs, svg = null; // set value to display if(obj.config.textRenderer) { obj.originalValue = obj.config.textRenderer(obj.originalValue); } else if(obj.config.humanFriendly) { obj.originalValue = humanFriendlyNumber( obj.originalValue, obj.config.humanFriendlyDecimal ) + obj.config.symbol; } else if(obj.config.formatNumber) { obj.originalValue = formatNumber(obj.originalValue) + obj.config.symbol; } else { obj.originalValue = (obj.originalValue * 1).toFixed(obj.config.decimals) + obj.config.symbol; } if(obj.config.counter === true) { //on each animation frame eve.on("raphael.anim.frame." + (obj.level.id), function() { var currentValue = obj.level.attr("pki"); if(obj.config.textRenderer) { obj.txtValue.attr("text", obj.config.textRenderer(Math.floor(currentValue[0]))); } else if(obj.config.humanFriendly) { obj.txtValue.attr("text", humanFriendlyNumber( Math.floor(currentValue[0]), obj.config.humanFriendlyDecimal ) + obj.config.symbol); } else if(obj.config.formatNumber) { obj.txtValue.attr("text", formatNumber(Math.floor(currentValue[0])) + obj.config.symbol); } else { obj.txtValue.attr("text", (currentValue[0] * 1).toFixed(obj.config.decimals) + obj.config.symbol); } setDy(obj.txtValue, obj.params.valueFontSize, obj.params.valueY); currentValue = null; }); //on animation end eve.on("raphael.anim.finish." + (obj.level.id), function() { obj.txtValue.attr({"text" : obj.originalValue}); setDy(obj.txtValue, obj.params.valueFontSize, obj.params.valueY); }); } else { //on animation start eve.on("raphael.anim.start." + (obj.level.id), function() { obj.txtValue.attr({"text" : obj.originalValue}); setDy(obj.txtValue, obj.params.valueFontSize, obj.params.valueY); }); } // animate gauge level, value & label obj.level.animate({ pki: [ obj.config.value, obj.config.min, obj.config.max, obj.params.widgetW, obj.params.widgetH, obj.params.dx, obj.params.dy, obj.config.gaugeWidthScale, obj.config.donut ] }, obj.config.startAnimationTime, obj.config.startAnimationType); obj.txtValue.animate({"fill-opacity":(obj.config.hideValue)?"0":"1"}, obj.config.startAnimationTime, obj.config.startAnimationType); obj.txtLabel.animate({"fill-opacity":"1"}, obj.config.startAnimationTime, obj.config.startAnimationType); }; // // tiny helper function to lookup value of a key from two hash tables // if none found, return defaultvalue // // key: string // tablea: object // tableb: DOMStringMap|object // defval: string|integer|float|null // datatype: return datatype // delimiter: delimiter to be used in conjunction with datatype formatting // JustGage.prototype.kvLookup = function(key, tablea, tableb, defval, datatype, delimiter) { var val = defval; var canConvert = false; if (!(key === null || key === undefined)) { if (tableb !== null && tableb !== undefined && typeof tableb === "object" && key in tableb) { val = tableb[key]; canConvert = true; } else if (tablea !== null && tablea !== undefined && typeof tablea === "object" && key in tablea) { val = tablea[key]; canConvert = true; } else { val = defval; } if (canConvert === true) { if (datatype !== null && datatype !== undefined) { switch(datatype) { case 'int': val = parseInt(val, 10); break; case 'float': val = parseFloat(val); break; default: break; } } } } return val; }; /** Refresh gauge level */ JustGage.prototype.refresh = function(val, max) { var obj = this; var displayVal, color, max = max || null; // set new max if(max !== null) { obj.config.max = max; obj.txtMaximum = obj.config.max; if( obj.config.humanFriendly ) { obj.txtMaximum = humanFriendlyNumber( obj.config.max, obj.config.humanFriendlyDecimal ); } else if( obj.config.formatNumber ) { obj.txtMaximum = formatNumber( obj.config.max ); } obj.txtMax.attr({"text" : obj.txtMaximum}); setDy(obj.txtMax, obj.params.maxFontSize, obj.params.maxY); } // overflow values displayVal = val; if ((val * 1) > (obj.config.max * 1)) {val = (obj.config.max * 1);} if ((val * 1) < (obj.config.min * 1)) {val = (obj.config.min * 1);} color = getColor(val, (val - obj.config.min) / (obj.config.max - obj.config.min), obj.config.levelColors, obj.config.noGradient, obj.config.customSectors); if(obj.config.textRenderer) { displayVal = obj.config.textRenderer(displayVal); } else if( obj.config.humanFriendly ) { displayVal = humanFriendlyNumber( displayVal, obj.config.humanFriendlyDecimal ) + obj.config.symbol; } else if( obj.config.formatNumber ) { displayVal = formatNumber((displayVal * 1).toFixed(obj.config.decimals)) + obj.config.symbol; } else { displayVal = (displayVal * 1).toFixed(obj.config.decimals) + obj.config.symbol; } obj.originalValue = displayVal; obj.config.value = val * 1; if(!obj.config.counter) { obj.txtValue.attr({"text":displayVal}); setDy(obj.txtValue, obj.params.valueFontSize, obj.params.valueY); } obj.level.animate({ pki: [ obj.config.value, obj.config.min, obj.config.max, obj.params.widgetW, obj.params.widgetH, obj.params.dx, obj.params.dy, obj.config.gaugeWidthScale, obj.config.donut ], "fill":color }, obj.config.refreshAnimationTime, obj.config.refreshAnimationType); // var clear obj, displayVal, color, max = null; }; /** Generate shadow */ JustGage.prototype.generateShadow = function(svg, defs) { var obj = this; var gaussFilter, feOffset, feGaussianBlur, feComposite1, feFlood, feComposite2, feComposite3; // FILTER gaussFilter = document.createElementNS(svg,"filter"); gaussFilter.setAttribute("id","inner-shadow"); defs.appendChild(gaussFilter); // offset feOffset = document.createElementNS(svg,"feOffset"); feOffset.setAttribute("dx", 0); feOffset.setAttribute("dy", obj.config.shadowVerticalOffset); gaussFilter.appendChild(feOffset); // blur feGaussianBlur = document.createElementNS(svg,"feGaussianBlur"); feGaussianBlur.setAttribute("result","offset-blur"); feGaussianBlur.setAttribute("stdDeviation", obj.config.shadowSize); gaussFilter.appendChild(feGaussianBlur); // composite 1 feComposite1 = document.createElementNS(svg,"feComposite"); feComposite1.setAttribute("operator","out"); feComposite1.setAttribute("in", "SourceGraphic"); feComposite1.setAttribute("in2","offset-blur"); feComposite1.setAttribute("result","inverse"); gaussFilter.appendChild(feComposite1); // flood feFlood = document.createElementNS(svg,"feFlood"); feFlood.setAttribute("flood-color","black"); feFlood.setAttribute("flood-opacity", obj.config.shadowOpacity); feFlood.setAttribute("result","color"); gaussFilter.appendChild(feFlood); // composite 2 feComposite2 = document.createElementNS(svg,"feComposite"); feComposite2.setAttribute("operator","in"); feComposite2.setAttribute("in", "color"); feComposite2.setAttribute("in2","inverse"); feComposite2.setAttribute("result","shadow"); gaussFilter.appendChild(feComposite2); // composite 3 feComposite3 = document.createElementNS(svg,"feComposite"); feComposite3.setAttribute("operator","over"); feComposite3.setAttribute("in", "shadow"); feComposite3.setAttribute("in2","SourceGraphic"); gaussFilter.appendChild(feComposite3); // set shadow if (!obj.config.hideInnerShadow) { obj.canvas.canvas.childNodes[2].setAttribute("filter", "url(#inner-shadow)"); obj.canvas.canvas.childNodes[3].setAttribute("filter", "url(#inner-shadow)"); } // var clear gaussFilter, feOffset, feGaussianBlur, feComposite1, feFlood, feComposite2, feComposite3 = null; }; /** Get color for value */ function getColor(val, pct, col, noGradient, custSec) { var no, inc, colors, percentage, rval, gval, bval, lower, upper, range, rangePct, pctLower, pctUpper, color; var noGradient = noGradient || custSec.length > 0; if(custSec.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < custSec.length; i++) { if(val > custSec[i].lo && val <= custSec[i].hi) { return custSec[i].color; } } } no = col.length; if (no === 1) return col[0]; inc = (noGradient) ? (1 / no) : (1 / (no - 1)); colors = []; for (i = 0; i < col.length; i++) { percentage = (noGradient) ? (inc * (i + 1)) : (inc * i); rval = parseInt((cutHex(col[i])).substring(0,2),16); gval = parseInt((cutHex(col[i])).substring(2,4),16); bval = parseInt((cutHex(col[i])).substring(4,6),16); colors[i] = { pct: percentage, color: { r: rval, g: gval, b: bval } }; } if(pct === 0) { return 'rgb(' + [colors[0].color.r, colors[0].color.g, colors[0].color.b].join(',') + ')'; } for (var j = 0; j < colors.length; j++) { if (pct <= colors[j].pct) { if (noGradient) { return 'rgb(' + [colors[j].color.r, colors[j].color.g, colors[j].color.b].join(',') + ')'; } else { lower = colors[j - 1]; upper = colors[j]; range = upper.pct - lower.pct; rangePct = (pct - lower.pct) / range; pctLower = 1 - rangePct; pctUpper = rangePct; color = { r: Math.floor(lower.color.r * pctLower + upper.color.r * pctUpper), g: Math.floor(lower.color.g * pctLower + upper.color.g * pctUpper), b: Math.floor(lower.color.b * pctLower + upper.color.b * pctUpper) }; return 'rgb(' + [color.r, color.g, color.b].join(',') + ')'; } } } } /** Fix Raphael display:none tspan dy attribute bug */ function setDy(elem, fontSize, txtYpos) { if ((!ie || ie > 9) && elem.node.firstChild.attributes.dy) { elem.node.firstChild.attributes.dy.value = 0; } } /** Random integer */ function getRandomInt (min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } /** Cut hex */ function cutHex(str) { return (str.charAt(0)=="#") ? str.substring(1,7):str; } /** Human friendly number suffix - From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2692323/code-golf-friendly-number-abbreviator */ function humanFriendlyNumber( n, d ) { var p, d2, i, s; p = Math.pow; d2 = p(10, d); i = 7; while( i ) { s = p(10,i--*3); if( s <= n ) { n = Math.round(n*d2/s)/d2+"KMGTPE"[i]; } } return n; } /** Format numbers with commas - From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901102/how-to-print-a-number-with-commas-as-thousands-separators-in-javascript */ function formatNumber(x) { var parts = x.toString().split("."); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); return parts.join("."); } /** Get style */ function getStyle(oElm, strCssRule){ var strValue = ""; if(document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle){ strValue = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(oElm, "").getPropertyValue(strCssRule); } else if(oElm.currentStyle){ strCssRule = strCssRule.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (strMatch, p1){ return p1.toUpperCase(); }); strValue = oElm.currentStyle[strCssRule]; } return strValue; } /** Create Element NS Ready */ function onCreateElementNsReady(func) { if (document.createElementNS !== undefined) { func(); } else { setTimeout(function() { onCreateElementNsReady(func); }, 100); } } /** Get IE version */ // ---------------------------------------------------------- // A short snippet for detecting versions of IE in JavaScript // without resorting to user-agent sniffing // ---------------------------------------------------------- // If you're not in IE (or IE version is less than 5) then: // ie === undefined // If you're in IE (>=5) then you can determine which version: // ie === 7; // IE7 // Thus, to detect IE: // if (ie) {} // And to detect the version: // ie === 6 // IE6 // ie > 7 // IE8, IE9 ... // ie < 9 // Anything less than IE9 // ---------------------------------------------------------- // UPDATE: Now using Live NodeList idea from @jdalton var ie = (function(){ var undef, v = 3, div = document.createElement('div'), all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); while ( div.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE ' + (++v) + ']><i></i><![endif]-->', all[0] ); return v > 4 ? v : undef; }());