{ "GeneralSettings": { "Application": { "IsEnabled": true, // Enables the PTMagic bot (needs restart to take effect) "TestMode": true, // If TestMode is active, no properties files will be changed "ProfitTrailerLicense": "ptlicense1asdf234fljlasdf014325ehm", // Your Profit Trailer license key (needed to change your settings) "ProfitTrailerLicenseXtra": "", // Licenses for additional bots for PTM to update (optional - comma separated list) "ProfitTrailerServerAPIToken": "", //Your Profit Trailer Server API Token "ProfitTrailerMonitorURL": "http://localhost:8081/", // The URL to your profit trailer monitor (needed to change your settings) "ProfitTrailerMonitorURLXtra": "", // URLs for additional bots you want PTM to update (optional - comma separated list) "ProfitTrailerDefaultSettingName": "default", // Your Profit Trailer default setting name (needed to change your settings) "Exchange": "BinanceFutures", // The exchange your are running Profit Trailer on "FloodProtectionMinutes": 0, // If a price trend is just zig-zagging around its trigger, you may want to protect your settings from // getting switched back and forth every minute "InstanceName": "MyBTCbot", // The name of the instance of this bot. This will be used in your monitor and your Telegram messages. //In case you are running more than one bot, you may set different names to separate them "CoinMarketCapAPIKey": "", //CoinMarketCap Api }, "Monitor": { "IsPasswordProtected": true, // Defines if your monitor will be asking to setup a password on its first start "OpenBrowserOnStart": true, // If active, a browser window will open as soon as you start the monitor "Port": 8080, // The port you want to run your PTMagic monitor on, to connect via browser. The url will be your IP:Port or localhost:Port "AnalyzerChart": "", // By default the chart on the Market Analyzer page will use your market currency against USD. //You can change that here. (eg., BTCEUR) "LiveTCVTimeframeMinutes": 10, // The timeframe for the live TCV chart on the dashboard "GraphIntervalMinutes": 60, // The interval for the monitor market trend graph to draw points in minutes "GraphMaxTimeframeHours": 24, // This will enable you to define the timeframe that your graph for market trends covers in hours "ProfitsMaxTimeframeDays": 30, // This will enable you to define the timeframe for your dashboard profits graph in days "DashboardChartsRefreshSeconds": 30, // The refresh interval of your dashboard charts in seconds "BagAnalyzerRefreshSeconds": 60, "BuyAnalyzerRefreshSeconds": 60, "MaxDashboardBuyEntries": 5, // The number of coins in your Possible Buy List on the dashboard. Set to 0 to hide the list completely "MaxDashboardBagEntries": 9999, // The number of coins in your Positions List on the dashboard. "MaxTopMarkets": 20, // The amount of top markets being shown in your Sales Analyzer "MaxDailySummaries": 10, // The amount of "Last Days" being shown in your Sales Analyzer "MaxDCAPairs": 25, // For DCA calculations in the DCA Analyzer. "DefaultDCAMode": "Advanced", // The default DCA mode to use in the DCA Analyzer. Options are "Simple" or "Advanced" "MaxSettingsLogEntries": 500, // The number of entries in the Global Settings Log on the Status & Summary page "MaxMonthlySummaries": 10, // The amount of "Last Months" being shown in your Sales Analyzer "LinkPlatform": "TradingView", // The platform to which the pair name will link if you click on it "TVCustomLayout": "EbSR85R8", // A TradingView layout to use when clicking on a pair name while using TradingView as your platform // When saving a custom layout in TV, you will get a URL like this: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EbSR85R8/ "TvStudyA": "BB@tv-basicstudies", // See available STUDIES at https://www.tradingview.com/wiki/Widget:TradingView_Widget "TvStudyB": "", "TvStudyC": "", "TvStudyD": "" }, "Backup": { "IsEnabled": true, // Enables a backup procedure for your properties files. Before every switch PTMagic will backup the current properties "MaxHours": 12 // Max number of hours to keep backup files }, "Telegram": { "IsEnabled": false, // Enables PT Magic to send Telegram messages "BotToken": "", // Your Telegram bot token "ChatId": 0, // Your Telegram Chat ID "SilentMode": false // If SilentMode is active, no notification sound or vibration will happen when the bot sends a Telegram message } } }