!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var n;"undefined"!=typeof window?n=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?n=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(n=self),n.Countdown=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o= (365.25 * 86400)) { dateData.years = Math.floor(diff / (365.25 * 86400)); diff -= dateData.years * 365.25 * 86400; } if (diff >= 86400) { dateData.days = Math.floor(diff / 86400); diff -= dateData.days * 86400; } if (diff >= 3600) { dateData.hours = Math.floor(diff / 3600); diff -= dateData.hours * 3600; } if (diff >= 60) { dateData.min = Math.floor(diff / 60); diff -= dateData.min * 60; } dateData.sec = Math.round(diff); dateData.millisec = diff % 1 * 1000; return dateData; }.bind(this); /** * Add leading zeros to a number * @param {Number} num Input number * @param {Number} length Length of the desired output * @return {String} String of the desired length with leading zeros */ this.leadingZeros = function(num, length) { length = length || 2; num = String(num); if (num.length > length) { return num; } return (Array(length + 1).join('0') + num).substr(-length); }; /** * Update the end date of the countdown * @param {Mixed} newDate Date object or a String/Number that can be passed to the Date constructor * @return {Countdown} Countdown instance */ this.update = function(newDate) { if (typeof newDate !== 'object') { newDate = new Date(newDate); } this.options.date = newDate; this.render(); return this; }.bind(this); /** * Stop the countdown refresh / rerender * @return {Countdown} Countdown instance */ this.stop = function() { if (this.interval) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = false; } return this; }.bind(this); /** * Render the countdown * @return {Countdown} Countdown instance */ this.render = function() { this.options.render(this.getDiffDate()); return this; }.bind(this); /** * Start the countdown * @return {Countdown} Countdown instance */ this.start = function() { // don't start if the countdown is already started if (this.interval) { return; } this.render(); if (this.options.refresh) { this.interval = setInterval(this.render, this.options.refresh); } return this; }.bind(this); /** * Update the offset * @param {Number} offset New offset in ms * @return {Countdown} Countdown instance */ this.updateOffset = function(offset) { this.options.offset = offset; return this; }.bind(this); // initial start of the countdown or initial render this.start(); }; module.exports = Countdown; },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ var Countdown = require('./countdown.js'); var NAME = 'countdown'; var DATA_ATTR = 'date'; jQuery.fn.countdown = function(options) { return $.each(this, function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); if (!$el.data(NAME)) { // allow setting the date via the data-date attribute if ($el.data(DATA_ATTR)) { options.date = $el.data(DATA_ATTR); } $el.data(NAME, new Countdown(el, options)); } }); }; module.exports = Countdown; },{"./countdown.js":1}]},{},[2])(2) });