* Theme: Ubold Admin Template
* Author: Coderthemes
* Chat application
!function($) {
"use strict";
var ChatApp = function() {
this.$body = $("body"),
this.$chatInput = $('.chat-input'),
this.$chatList = $('.conversation-list'),
this.$chatSendBtn = $('.chat-send .btn')
//saves chat entry - You should send ajax call to server in order to save chat enrty
ChatApp.prototype.save = function() {
var chatText = this.$chatInput.val();
var chatTime = moment().format("h:mm");
if (chatText == "") {
sweetAlert("Oops...", "You forgot to enter your chat message", "error");
} else {
' + chatTime + ' ').appendTo('.conversation-list');
this.$chatList.scrollTo('100%', '100%', {
easing: 'swing'
ChatApp.prototype.init = function () {
var $this = this;
//binding keypress event on chat input box - on enter we are adding the chat into chat list -
$this.$chatInput.keypress(function (ev) {
var p = ev.which;
if (p == 13) {
return false;
//binding send button click
$this.$chatSendBtn.click(function (ev) {
return false;
//init ChatApp
$.ChatApp = new ChatApp, $.ChatApp.Constructor = ChatApp
//initializing main application module
function($) {
"use strict";