@model TickerWidgetsModel
Layout = null;
int activeSingleSettings = Model.MarketsWithSingleSettings.Count;
string singleSettingInfoIcon = "";
if (activeSingleSettings > 0) {
singleSettingInfoIcon = "Single Market Settings active for:
-" + Core.Helper.SystemHelper.ConvertListToTokenString(Model.MarketsWithSingleSettings, "
-", true) + "\" data-template=\"\">";
DateTime lastRuntime = Model.Summary.LastRuntime;
double elapsedSecondsSinceRuntime = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastRuntime).TotalSeconds;
double intervalSeconds = Model.PTMagicConfiguration.AnalyzerSettings.MarketAnalyzer.IntervalMinutes * 60.0;
string iconColor = "text-success";
string ptMagicHealthIcon = "fa-heartbeat";
string ptMagicHealthTooltip = "PT Magic is alive and healthy!";
if (elapsedSecondsSinceRuntime > (intervalSeconds + intervalSeconds)) {
ptMagicHealthIcon = "fa-exclamation-triangle";
ptMagicHealthTooltip = "PT Magic seems to have problems, check the logs!";
iconColor = "text-danger";