diff --git a/Core/DataObjects/ProfitTrailerData.cs b/Core/DataObjects/ProfitTrailerData.cs
index 813545a..e4c6e9d 100644
--- a/Core/DataObjects/ProfitTrailerData.cs
+++ b/Core/DataObjects/ProfitTrailerData.cs
@@ -161,6 +161,28 @@ namespace Core.Main.DataObjects
this.Summary.PendingValue +
+ public double GetPairsBalance()
+ {
+ return
+ (this.Summary.PairsValue);
+ }
+ public double GetDCABalance()
+ {
+ return
+ (this.Summary.DCAValue);
+ }
+ public double GetPendingBalance()
+ {
+ return
+ (this.Summary.PendingValue);
+ }
+ public double GetDustBalance()
+ {
+ return
+ (this.Summary.DustValue);
+ }
public double GetSnapshotBalance(DateTime snapshotDateTime)
diff --git a/Monitor/Pages/SalesAnalyzer.cshtml b/Monitor/Pages/SalesAnalyzer.cshtml
index 7905010..26a8476 100644
--- a/Monitor/Pages/SalesAnalyzer.cshtml
+++ b/Monitor/Pages/SalesAnalyzer.cshtml
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
diff --git a/Monitor/Pages/_get/DashboardBottom.cshtml b/Monitor/Pages/_get/DashboardBottom.cshtml
index bd00504..b571626 100644
--- a/Monitor/Pages/_get/DashboardBottom.cshtml
+++ b/Monitor/Pages/_get/DashboardBottom.cshtml
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
Layout = null;
+@section Styles {
+ @if (!Model.ProfitChartDataJSON.Equals("")) {
+ } else {
Unable to load graph, no sales data found.
+ }
+ @if (!Model.TrendChartDataJSON.Equals("")) {
+ } else {
Unable to load graph, no market trend data found.
+ }
- @if (!Model.TrendChartDataJSON.Equals("")) {
- } else {
Not able to load graph, no market trend data found.
If you still do not see a graph after more than hour, report an issue.
- }
- @if (!Model.ProfitChartDataJSON.Equals("")) {
- } else {
Not able to load graph, no sales data found.
If you still do not see a graph after you made your first sale, report an issue.
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ return lineChart;
+ });
+ }
+ })(jQuery);
diff --git a/Monitor/Pages/_get/DashboardBottom.cshtml.cs b/Monitor/Pages/_get/DashboardBottom.cshtml.cs
index c2153a9..46173a3 100644
--- a/Monitor/Pages/_get/DashboardBottom.cshtml.cs
+++ b/Monitor/Pages/_get/DashboardBottom.cshtml.cs
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ namespace Monitor.Pages {
public string ProfitChartDataJSON = "";
public string LastGlobalSetting = "Default";
public DateTimeOffset DateTimeNow = Constants.confMinDate;
+ public string AssetDistributionData = "";
public void OnGet() {
// Initialize Config
+ BuildAssetDistributionData();
private void BindData() {
@@ -87,7 +88,6 @@ namespace Monitor.Pages {
// Add most recent tick
List latestTickRange = marketTrendChangeSummaries.OrderByDescending(m => m.TrendDateTime).ToList();
if (latestTickRange.Count > 0) {
@@ -115,22 +115,18 @@ namespace Monitor.Pages {
string profitPerDayJSON = "";
if (PTData.SellLog.Count > 0) {
DateTime minSellLogDate = PTData.SellLog.OrderBy(sl => sl.SoldDate).First().SoldDate.Date;
- DateTime graphStartDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-30);
+ DateTime graphStartDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-10);
if (minSellLogDate > graphStartDate) graphStartDate = minSellLogDate;
for (DateTime salesDate = graphStartDate; salesDate <= DateTime.UtcNow.Date; salesDate = salesDate.AddDays(1)) {
if (tradeDayIndex > 0) {
profitPerDayJSON += ",\n";
int trades = PTData.SellLog.FindAll(t => t.SoldDate.Date == salesDate).Count;
double profit = PTData.SellLog.FindAll(t => t.SoldDate.Date == salesDate).Sum(t => t.Profit);
double profitFiat = Math.Round(profit * Summary.MainMarketPrice, 2);
profitPerDayJSON += "{x: new Date('" + salesDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'), y: " + profitFiat.ToString("0.00", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "}";
ProfitChartDataJSON = "[";
ProfitChartDataJSON += "{";
ProfitChartDataJSON += "key: 'Profit in " + Summary.MainFiatCurrency + "',";
@@ -140,5 +136,21 @@ namespace Monitor.Pages {
ProfitChartDataJSON += "]";
+ private void BuildAssetDistributionData()
+ {
+ double PairsBalance = PTData.GetPairsBalance();
+ double DCABalance = PTData.GetDCABalance();
+ double PendingBalance = PTData.GetPendingBalance();
+ double DustBalance = PTData.GetDustBalance();
+ double TotalValue = PTData.GetCurrentBalance();
+ double AvailableBalance = (TotalValue - PairsBalance - DCABalance - PendingBalance - DustBalance);
+ AssetDistributionData = "[";
+ AssetDistributionData += "{label: 'Pairs',color: '#82E0AA',value: " + PairsBalance.ToString() + "},";
+ AssetDistributionData += "{label: 'DCA',color: '#D98880',value: " + DCABalance.ToString() + "},";
+ AssetDistributionData += "{label: 'Pending',color: '#F5B041',value: " + PendingBalance.ToString() + "},";
+ AssetDistributionData += "{label: 'Dust',color: '#BB8FCE',value: " + DustBalance.ToString() + "},";
+ AssetDistributionData += "{label: 'Balance',color: '#85C1E9',value: " + AvailableBalance.ToString() + "}]";
+ }