Merge pull request #96 from djbadders/develop
Fixes for when settings have blank file properties
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ namespace Core.Main.DataObjects.PTMagicData
public string ProfitTrailerServerAPIToken { get; set; }
public string ProfitTrailerMonitorURL { get; set; } = "http://localhost:8081/";
public string ProfitTrailerDefaultSettingName { get; set; } = "default";
public bool AlwaysLoadDefaultBeforeSwitch { get; set; } = true;
public int FloodProtectionMinutes { get; set; } = 15;
public string Exchange { get; set; }
public double StartBalance { get; set; } = 0;
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ namespace Core.Main
private int _runCount = 0;
private int _totalElapsedSeconds = 0;
private bool _globalSettingWritten = false;
private bool _singleMarketSettingWritten = false;
private bool _singleMarketSettingChanged = false;
private List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> _lastActiveSingleMarketSettings = null;
private bool _enforceSettingsReapply = false;
private DateTime _lastRuntime = Constants.confMinDate;
private DateTime _lastSettingsChange = Constants.confMinDate;
@ -160,15 +161,15 @@ namespace Core.Main
public bool SingleMarketSettingWritten
public bool SingleMarketSettingChanged
return _singleMarketSettingWritten;
return _singleMarketSettingChanged;
_singleMarketSettingWritten = value;
_singleMarketSettingChanged = value;
@ -853,7 +854,12 @@ namespace Core.Main
// Only let one thread change the settings at once
lock (_lockObj)
// Change state to "Running"
this.State = Constants.PTMagicBotState_Running;
this.LastRuntime = DateTime.UtcNow;
this.EnforceSettingsReapply = this.HaveSettingsChanged() || this.EnforceSettingsReapply;
@ -868,11 +874,7 @@ namespace Core.Main
this.Log.DoLogInfo("Starting market trend check with Version " + this.CurrentVersion.Major + "." + this.CurrentVersion.Minor + "." + this.CurrentVersion.Build);
// Change state to "Running"
this.State = Constants.PTMagicBotState_Running;
this.LastRuntime = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Initialise the last runtime summary
this.LastRuntimeSummary = new Summary();
this.LastRuntimeSummary.LastRuntime = this.LastRuntime;
this.LastRuntimeSummary.Version = this.CurrentVersion.Major.ToString() + "." + this.CurrentVersion.Minor.ToString() + "." + this.CurrentVersion.Build.ToString();
@ -919,14 +921,40 @@ namespace Core.Main
// Save Single Market Settings Summary
// Claculate raid time
DateTime endTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
int elapsedSeconds = (int)Math.Round(endTime.Subtract(this.LastRuntime).TotalSeconds, 0);
this.TotalElapsedSeconds += elapsedSeconds;
// Save Runtime Summary
// Cleanup to free memory in between intervals
// Change state to Finished / Stopped
this.State = Constants.PTMagicBotState_Idle;
// Summarise raid
this.Log.DoLogInfo("#******************* RAID SUMMARY ********************#");
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ PT Magic Version: " + this.LastRuntimeSummary.Version);
if (!SystemHelper.IsRecentVersion(this.LastRuntimeSummary.Version, this.LatestVersion))
this.Log.DoLogWarn("+ Your version is out of date! The most recent version is " + this.LatestVersion);
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Instance name: " + PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.InstanceName);
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Time spent: " + SystemHelper.GetProperDurationTime(elapsedSeconds));
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Active setting: " + this.LastRuntimeSummary.CurrentGlobalSetting.SettingName);
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Global setting changed: " + ((this.LastRuntimeSummary.LastGlobalSettingSwitch == this.LastRuntimeSummary.LastRuntime) ? "Yes" : "No") + " " + ((this.LastRuntimeSummary.FloodProtectedSetting != null) ? "(Flood protection!)" : ""));
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Single Market Settings changed: " + (this.SingleMarketSettingChanged ? "Yes" : "No"));
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ PT Config updated: " + (((this.GlobalSettingWritten || this.SingleMarketSettingChanged) && !this.PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.TestMode) ? "Yes" : "No"));
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Markets with active single market settings: " + this.TriggeredSingleMarketSettings.Count.ToString());
foreach (string activeSMS in this.SingleMarketSettingsCount.Keys)
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ " + activeSMS + ": " + this.SingleMarketSettingsCount[activeSMS].ToString());
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ " + this.TotalElapsedSeconds.ToString() + " Magicbots killed in " + this.RunCount.ToString() + " raids on Cryptodragon's Lair " + this.PTMagicConfiguration.AnalyzerSettings.MarketAnalyzer.IntervalMinutes.ToString() + ".");
@ -934,12 +962,26 @@ namespace Core.Main
Log.DoLogWarn("PTMagic disabled, shutting down until next raid...");
catch (Exception ex)
// Error
this.Log.DoLogCritical("A error occurred during the raid, the raid did not complete, but will try again next interval!", ex);
// Cleanup to free memory in between intervals
// Change state to Finished / Stopped
this.State = Constants.PTMagicBotState_Idle;
if (this.RunCount > 1)
Log.DoLogWarn("PTMagic already raiding since " + this.LastRuntime.ToString() + " - Process frozen? Checking things...");
Log.DoLogWarn("PTMagic already raiding since " + this.LastRuntime.ToLocalTime().ToString() + " - Process frozen? Checking things...");
if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Constants.PTMagicPathData + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "LastRuntimeSummary.json"))
@ -2004,12 +2046,20 @@ namespace Core.Main
if (this.TriggeredSingleMarketSettings.Count > 0)
// Write single market settings
this.Log.DoLogInfo("Building single market settings for '" + this.TriggeredSingleMarketSettings.Count.ToString() + "' markets...");
SettingsHandler.CompileSingleMarketProperties(this, matchedMarketTriggers);
this.SingleMarketSettingWritten = true;
// Write single market settings
var newSingleMarketSettings = SettingsHandler.CompileSingleMarketProperties(this, matchedMarketTriggers);
// Compare against last run to see if they have changed or not
if (_lastActiveSingleMarketSettings == null || haveSingleMarketSettingsHaveChanged(_lastActiveSingleMarketSettings, newSingleMarketSettings))
// Single market settings differ from the last raid, so update
this.SingleMarketSettingChanged = true;
// Buffer for next raid
_lastActiveSingleMarketSettings = newSingleMarketSettings;
this.Log.DoLogInfo("Building single market settings completed.");
@ -2018,9 +2068,8 @@ namespace Core.Main
this.Log.DoLogInfo("No settings triggered for single markets.");
// Remove single market settings if no triggers are met - if necessary
this.SingleMarketSettingWritten = SettingsHandler.RemoveSingleMarketSettings(this);
this.SingleMarketSettingChanged = SettingsHandler.RemoveSingleMarketSettings(this);
@ -2028,13 +2077,31 @@ namespace Core.Main
private bool haveSingleMarketSettingsHaveChanged(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> oldMarketTriggers, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> newMarketTriggers)
// Check if the SMS settings have changed between raids
string oldSms = "", newSms = "";
foreach (var entry in oldMarketTriggers)
oldSms += string.Format("{0}: {1}|", entry.Key, entry.Value);
foreach (var entry in newMarketTriggers)
newSms += string.Format("{0}: {1}|", entry.Key, entry.Value);
return !string.Equals(oldSms, newSms, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private void SaveProfitTrailerProperties()
// Get current PT properties
string pairsPropertiesPath, dcaPropertiesPath, indicatorsPropertiesPath;
GetProfitTrailerPropertiesPaths(out pairsPropertiesPath, out dcaPropertiesPath, out indicatorsPropertiesPath);
if (this.GlobalSettingWritten || this.SingleMarketSettingWritten)
if (this.GlobalSettingWritten || this.SingleMarketSettingChanged)
// Save current PT properties to API (Valid for PT 2.x and above)
this.Log.DoLogInfo("Saving properties using API...");
@ -2064,15 +2131,12 @@ namespace Core.Main
this.Log.DoLogInfo("Single Market Settings Summary saved.");
private void SaveRuntimeSummary()
private void SaveRuntimeSummary(int elapsedSeconds)
DateTime endTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
int elapsedSeconds = (int)Math.Round(endTime.Subtract(this.LastRuntime).TotalSeconds, 0);
this.Log.DoLogInfo("Building LastRuntimeSummary.json for your monitor...");
this.LastRuntimeSummary.LastRuntimeSeconds = elapsedSeconds;
this.Log.DoLogInfo("Building LastRuntimeSummary.json for your monitor...");
// Load existing runtime summary and read ongoing data
if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Constants.PTMagicPathData + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "LastRuntimeSummary.json"))
@ -2509,45 +2573,13 @@ namespace Core.Main
this.Log.DoLogCritical("Nope, another Exception while writing LastRuntimeSummary.json", ex2);
string logsPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Constants.PTMagicPathLogs + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
if (Directory.Exists(logsPath))
FileHelper.CleanupFiles(logsPath, 24 * 3);
this.Log.DoLogInfo("Cleaned up logfiles.");
this.TotalElapsedSeconds += elapsedSeconds;
this.Log.DoLogInfo("#******************* RAID SUMMARY ********************#");
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ PT Magic Version: " + this.LastRuntimeSummary.Version);
if (!SystemHelper.IsRecentVersion(this.LastRuntimeSummary.Version, this.LatestVersion))
this.Log.DoLogWarn("+ Your version is out of date! The most recent version is " + this.LatestVersion);
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Instance name: " + PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.InstanceName);
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Time spent: " + SystemHelper.GetProperDurationTime(elapsedSeconds));
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Active setting: " + this.LastRuntimeSummary.CurrentGlobalSetting.SettingName);
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Global setting changed: " + ((this.LastRuntimeSummary.LastGlobalSettingSwitch == this.LastRuntimeSummary.LastRuntime) ? "Yes" : "No") + " " + ((this.LastRuntimeSummary.FloodProtectedSetting != null) ? "(Flood protection!)" : ""));
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ PT Config updated: " + (((this.GlobalSettingWritten || this.SingleMarketSettingWritten) && !this.PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.TestMode) ? "Yes" : "No"));
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ Markets with active single market settings: " + this.TriggeredSingleMarketSettings.Count.ToString());
foreach (string activeSMS in this.SingleMarketSettingsCount.Keys)
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ " + activeSMS + ": " + this.SingleMarketSettingsCount[activeSMS].ToString());
this.Log.DoLogInfo("+ " + this.TotalElapsedSeconds.ToString() + " Magicbots killed in " + this.RunCount.ToString() + " raids on Cryptodragon's Lair " + this.PTMagicConfiguration.AnalyzerSettings.MarketAnalyzer.IntervalMinutes.ToString() + ".");
private void Cleanup()
// Clear down memory
this.GlobalSettingWritten = false;
this.SingleMarketSettingWritten = false;
this.SingleMarketSettingChanged = false;
this.EnforceSettingsReapply = false;
this.PairsLines = null;
@ -2562,6 +2594,14 @@ namespace Core.Main
this.ExchangeMarketList = null;
this.MarketList = new List<string>();
this.LastRuntimeSummary = null;
// Cleanup log files
string logsPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Constants.PTMagicPathLogs + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
if (Directory.Exists(logsPath))
FileHelper.CleanupFiles(logsPath, 24 * 3);
this.Log.DoLogInfo("Cleaned up logfiles.");
@ -200,46 +200,34 @@ namespace Core.ProfitTrailer
bool headerLinesExist = false;
List<string> result = new List<string>();
List<string> fileLines = (List<string>)ptmagicInstance.GetType().GetProperty(fileType + "Lines").GetValue(ptmagicInstance, null);
List<string> fileLines = null;
// Analsye the properties for the setting and apply
Dictionary<string, object> properties = (Dictionary<string, object>)setting.GetType().GetProperty(fileType + "Properties").GetValue(setting, null);
if (properties != null)
// Building Properties
if (!setting.SettingName.Equals(ptmagicInstance.DefaultSettingName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && ptmagicInstance.PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.AlwaysLoadDefaultBeforeSwitch && !properties.ContainsKey("File"))
if (properties == null || !properties.ContainsKey("File"))
// Load default settings as basis for the switch
GlobalSetting defaultSetting = ptmagicInstance.PTMagicConfiguration.AnalyzerSettings.GlobalSettings.Find(a => a.SettingName.Equals(ptmagicInstance.DefaultSettingName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
if (defaultSetting != null)
Dictionary<string, object> defaultProperties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
switch (fileType.ToLower())
case "pairs":
defaultProperties = defaultSetting.PairsProperties;
case "dca":
defaultProperties = defaultSetting.DCAProperties;
case "inidcators":
defaultProperties = defaultSetting.IndicatorsProperties;
Dictionary<string, object> defaultProperties = (Dictionary<string, object>)defaultSetting.GetType().GetProperty(fileType + "Properties").GetValue(defaultSetting, null);
if (defaultProperties.ContainsKey("File"))
// Load the default settings file lines
fileLines = SettingsFiles.GetPresetFileLinesAsList(defaultSetting.SettingName, defaultProperties["File"].ToString(), ptmagicInstance.PTMagicConfiguration);
// No preset file defined, this is a bad settings file!
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("No 'File' setting found in the '{0}Properties' of the 'Default' setting section in the 'settings.analyzer.json' file; this must be defined!", fileType));
// Check if settings are configured in a seperate file
if (properties.ContainsKey("File"))
// Settings are configured in a seperate file
fileLines = SettingsFiles.GetPresetFileLinesAsList(setting.SettingName, properties["File"].ToString(), ptmagicInstance.PTMagicConfiguration);
// Check for PTM header in preset file
// Loop through config line by line reprocessing where required.
@ -294,7 +282,6 @@ namespace Core.ProfitTrailer
// Write header lines if required
if (!headerLinesExist)
@ -340,10 +327,11 @@ namespace Core.ProfitTrailer
return madeSubstitutions;
public static void CompileSingleMarketProperties(PTMagic ptmagicInstance, Dictionary<string, List<string>> matchedTriggers)
public static List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> CompileSingleMarketProperties(PTMagic ptmagicInstance, Dictionary<string, List<string>> matchedTriggers)
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> smsApplied = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
List<string> globalPairsLines = new List<string>();
List<string> globalDCALines = new List<string>();
List<string> globalIndicatorsLines = new List<string>();
@ -470,6 +458,7 @@ namespace Core.ProfitTrailer
ptmagicInstance.Log.DoLogInfo("Built single market settings '" + setting.SettingName + "' for '" + marketPair + "'.");
smsApplied.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(marketPair, setting.SettingName));
newPairsLines = SettingsHandler.BuildPropertyLinesForSingleMarketSetting(ptmagicInstance.LastRuntimeSummary.MainMarket, marketPair, ptmagicInstance.TriggeredSingleMarketSettings[marketPair], pairsPropertiesToApply, matchedTriggers, globalPairsProperties, newPairsLines, ptmagicInstance.PTMagicConfiguration, ptmagicInstance.Log);
@ -485,6 +474,8 @@ namespace Core.ProfitTrailer
ptmagicInstance.PairsLines = globalPairsLines;
ptmagicInstance.DCALines = globalDCALines;
ptmagicInstance.IndicatorsLines = globalIndicatorsLines;
return smsApplied;
catch (Exception ex)
@ -89,13 +89,6 @@
<div class="form-group row">
<label class="col-md-4 col-form-label">Always Load Default Before Switch <i class="fa fa-info-circle text-muted" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="If this is enabled, PTMagic will always load default settings before switching to another setting."></i></label>
<div class="col-md-8">
<input type="checkbox" name="Application_AlwaysLoadDefaultBeforeSwitch" checked="@(Model.PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.AlwaysLoadDefaultBeforeSwitch)" data-plugin="switchery" data-color="#81c868" data-size="small" />
<div class="form-group row">
<label class="col-md-4 col-form-label">Flood Protection Minutes <i class="fa fa-info-circle text-muted" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="If a price trend is just zig-zagging around its trigger, you may want to protect your settings from getting switched back and forth every minute."></i></label>
<div class="col-md-8">
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ namespace Monitor.Pages
PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.Exchange = HttpContext.Request.Form["Application_Exchange"];
PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.StartBalance = SystemHelper.TextToDouble(HttpContext.Request.Form["Application_StartBalance"], PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.StartBalance, "en-US");
PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.TimezoneOffset = HttpContext.Request.Form["Application_TimezoneOffset"].ToString().Replace(" ", "");
PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.AlwaysLoadDefaultBeforeSwitch = HttpContext.Request.Form["Application_AlwaysLoadDefaultBeforeSwitch"].Equals("on");
PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.FloodProtectionMinutes = SystemHelper.TextToInteger(HttpContext.Request.Form["Application_FloodProtectionMinutes"], PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.FloodProtectionMinutes);
PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.InstanceName = HttpContext.Request.Form["Application_InstanceName"];
PTMagicConfiguration.GeneralSettings.Application.CoinMarketCapAPIKey = HttpContext.Request.Form["Application_CoinMarketCapAPIKey"];
@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
"StartBalance": 0, // The balance you had in your wallet when you started working with Profit Trailer
"TimezoneOffset": "+0:00", // Your timezone offset from UTC time
"MainFiatCurrency": "USD", // Your main fiat currency that will be used in the monitor
"AlwaysLoadDefaultBeforeSwitch": true, // If this is enabled, PTMagic will always load default settings before switching to another setting
"FloodProtectionMinutes": 15, // If a price trend is just zig-zagging around its trigger, you may want to protect your settings from getting switched back and forth every minute
"FloodProtectionMinutes": 0, // If a price trend is just zig-zagging around its trigger, you may want to protect your settings from getting switched back and forth every minute
"InstanceName": "PT Magic", // The name of the instance of this bot. This will be used in your monitor and your Telegram messages. In case you are running more than one bot, you may set different names to separate them
"CoinMarketCapAPIKey": "", //CoinMarketCap Api
"FreeCurrencyConverterAPIKey": "" // If "MainFiatCurrency" above is anything other than USD, you must obtain an API key from
@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
"StartBalance": 0, // The balance you had in your wallet when you started working with Profit Trailer
"TimezoneOffset": "+0:00", // Your timezone offset from UTC time
"MainFiatCurrency": "USD", // Your main fiat currency that will be used in the monitor
"AlwaysLoadDefaultBeforeSwitch": true, // If this is enabled, PTMagic will always load default settings before switching to another setting
"FloodProtectionMinutes": 15, // If a price trend is just zig-zagging around its trigger, you may want to protect your settings from getting switched back and forth every minute
"FloodProtectionMinutes": 0, // If a price trend is just zig-zagging around its trigger, you may want to protect your settings from getting switched back and forth every minute
"InstanceName": "PT Magic", // The name of the instance of this bot. This will be used in your monitor and your Telegram messages. In case you are running more than one bot, you may set different names to separate them
"CoinMarketCapAPIKey": "", //CoinMarketCap Api
"FreeCurrencyConverterAPIKey": "" // If "MainFiatCurrency" above is anything other than USD, you must obtain an API key from
@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
"StartBalance": 0, // The balance you had in your wallet when you started working with Profit Trailer
"TimezoneOffset": "+0:00", // Your timezone offset from UTC time
"MainFiatCurrency": "USD", // Your main fiat currency that will be used in the monitor
"AlwaysLoadDefaultBeforeSwitch": true, // If this is enabled, PTMagic will always load default settings before switching to another setting
"FloodProtectionMinutes": 15, // If a price trend is just zig-zagging around its trigger, you may want to protect your settings from getting switched back and forth every minute
"FloodProtectionMinutes": 0, // If a price trend is just zig-zagging around its trigger, you may want to protect your settings from getting switched back and forth every minute
"InstanceName": "PT Magic", // The name of the instance of this bot. This will be used in your monitor and your Telegram messages. In case you are running more than one bot, you may set different names to separate them
"CoinMarketCapAPIKey": "" //CoinMarketCap Api
Reference in New Issue