
64 lines
2.2 KiB
Nginx Configuration File

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Cache expiration |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Serve resources with a far-future expiration date.
# (!) If you don't control versioning with filename-based cache busting, you
# should consider lowering the cache times to something like one week.
map $sent_http_content_type $expires {
# Default: Fallback
default 1y;
# Default: No content
"" off;
# Specific: Assets
~*image/svg\+xml 1y;
~*image/ 1w;
~*image/x-icon 1w;
# Specific: Manifests
~*application/manifest\+json 1w;
~*text/cache-manifest epoch;
# Specific: Data interchange
~*application/atom\+xml 1h;
~*application/rdf\+xml 1h;
~*application/rss\+xml 1h;
# Specific: Documents
~*text/html epoch;
~*text/markdown epoch;
~*text/calendar epoch;
# Specific: Other
~*text/x-cross-domain-policy 1w;
# Generic: Data
~*json epoch;
~*xml epoch;
# Generic: WebAssembly
# ~*application/wasm 1y; # default
# Generic: Assets
# ~*application/javascript 1y; # default
# ~*application/x-javascript 1y; # default
# ~*text/javascript 1y; # default
# ~*text/css 1y; # default
# Generic: Medias
# ~*audio/ 1y; # default
# ~*image/ 1y; # default
# ~*video/ 1y; # default
# ~*font/ 1y; # default
expires $expires;