The gzip_http_version override is no longer needed because CloudFront
now forwards requests using HTTP/1.1. We can remove this line entirely
and let nginx use its default value of 1.1.
auto was not introdued until 1.3.8 and 1.2.5.
Debian wheezy for example only comes with 1.2.1, only the next version
(in testing) will have a version of nginx which supports auto.
These rules are closer to the expire logic defined for apache, and also
use a none-capturing regex which will be (unnoticably) faster.
Added a comment as to why there is no default expire header defined.
Unless your entire site is static it's inappropriate to do so - dynamic
requests will be cached by the browser unless your application code
overrides the expires which nginx is setting by default.
Don't think it makes sense to turn this off for a single worker and it's on by default.
The docs indicate that Nginx will use the best method based on the available methods
Keepalive of 5 seems very low - i've seen recommendations of 10-20
gzip_proxied was set twice
gzip_static should be off unless actually used
default is deprecated
server_name _; shouldn't be used
Shoudn't use expires in the server {} block - should be inside location {}
Extra root lines not needed
gzip_comp_level seems too low
gzip_min_length seems too high
Add text/x-component. It's listed in html5-boilerplate/.htaccess and is in our nginx-mime.types
Fix application/xml+rss, should be application/rss+xml
Comment indicating text/html is always compressed, so there's no need to include it