Use regexp in MIME-types based maps (#221)

Fix #220

Co-authored-by: Léo Colombaro <>
This commit is contained in:
Mark Woon 2019-03-08 17:34:15 -08:00 committed by Léo Colombaro
parent 50a6d793ce
commit d65cd97761
1 changed files with 33 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -13,76 +13,62 @@
map $sent_http_content_type $expires {
default 1M;
default 1M;
text/css 1y;
~*text/css 1y;
# Data interchange
application/atom+xml 1h;
application/rdf+xml 1h;
application/rss+xml 1h;
~*application/atom+xml 1h;
~*application/rdf+xml 1h;
~*application/rss+xml 1h;
application/json 0;
application/ld+json 0;
application/schema+json 0;
application/geo+json 0;
application/xml 0;
text/calendar 0;
text/xml 0;
~*application/json 0;
~*application/ld+json 0;
~*application/schema+json 0;
~*application/geo+json 0;
~*application/xml 0;
~*text/calendar 0;
~*text/xml 0;
# Favicon (cannot be renamed!) and cursor images
image/ 1w;
image/x-icon 1w;
~*image/ 1w;
~*image/x-icon 1w;
text/html 0;
~*text/html 0;
# JavaScript
application/javascript 1y;
application/x-javascript 1y;
text/javascript 1y;
~*application/javascript 1y;
~*application/x-javascript 1y;
~*text/javascript 1y;
# Manifest files
application/manifest+json 1w;
application/x-web-app-manifest+json 0;
text/cache-manifest 0;
~*application/manifest+json 1w;
~*application/x-web-app-manifest+json 0;
~*text/cache-manifest 0;
# Markdown
text/markdown 0;
~*text/markdown 0;
# Media files
audio/ogg 1M;
image/bmp 1M;
image/gif 1M;
image/jpeg 1M;
image/png 1M;
image/svg+xml 1M;
image/webp 1M;
video/mp4 1M;
video/ogg 1M;
video/webm 1M;
~*audio/.* 1M;
~*image/.* 1M;
~*video/.* 1M;
# WebAssembly
application/wasm 1y;
~*application/wasm 1y;
# Web fonts
font/collection 1M;
application/ 1M;
font/eot 1M;
font/opentype 1M;
font/otf 1M;
application/x-font-ttf 1M;
font/ttf 1M;
application/font-woff 1M;
application/x-font-woff 1M;
font/woff 1M;
application/font-woff2 1M;
font/woff2 1M;
~*font/.* 1M;
~*application/ 1M;
~*application/x-font-ttf 1M;
~*application/x-font-woff 1M;
~*application/font-woff 1M;
~*application/font-woff2 1M;
# Other
text/x-cross-domain-policy 1w;
~*text/x-cross-domain-policy 1w;
expires $expires;