import asyncio import getpass import json import logging import os import signal import sys import traceback import click from nio import (AsyncClient, AsyncClientConfig, InviteEvent, KeyVerificationCancel, KeyVerificationEvent, KeyVerificationKey, KeyVerificationMac, KeyVerificationStart, LocalProtocolError, LoginResponse, MatrixRoom, RoomMessage, RoomMessageText, SyncResponse, ToDeviceError) from .config import Config from .plugins import all_plugins from .utils import setup_logger # from .message import TextMessage class Bot(object): def __init__(self) -> None: self.__client = None self.__logger = setup_logger(__name__) self.logger.debug('Initializing Bot') self.__loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.__first_sync = True self.__command_plugins = {} self.__message_plugins = {} self.__runtime_plugins = {} for s in (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM): self.__loop.add_signal_handler(s, self.__signal_handler) async def login(self) -> (AsyncClient, None): """Login to the matrix homeserver defined in the config file. """ self.logger.debug('Starting login process') self.__client_config = AsyncClientConfig( max_limit_exceeded=0, max_timeouts=0, store_sync_tokens=True, encryption_enabled=True, ) # If there are no previously-saved credentials, we'll use the password if not os.path.exists(Config.CONFIG_FILE): self.logger.debug('Starting password verification process') click.secho( 'First time use. Did not find credential file. Asking ' 'for homeserver, user, and password to create ' 'credential file.\n', bold=True, ) if not os.path.exists(Config.STORE_PATH): os.makedirs(Config.STORE_PATH) credentials = self.__ask_credentials() # Initialize the matrix client self.__client = AsyncClient( credentials['homeserver'], credentials['user_id'], store_path=Config.STORE_PATH, config=self.client_config, ) pw = None try: pw = getpass.getpass('Your Password: ', bold=True)) except EOFError: print() await self.shutdown() return None finally: if pw: resp = await self.client.login( password=pw, device_name=credentials['device_name']) del pw # check that we logged in succesfully if isinstance(resp, LoginResponse): self.__write_details_to_disk(resp, credentials) else: self.logger.debug(f'homeserver = {credentials["homeserver"]}; ' f' user = {credentials["user_id"]}') self.logger.warn(f'Failed to log in: {resp}') sys.exit(1) self.__config = { 'user_id': credentials['user_id'], 'homeserver': credentials['homeserver'], 'device_name': credentials['device_name'], 'device_id': resp.device_id, 'access_token': resp.access_token, } click.secho( 'Logged in using a password. Credentials were stored. ' 'On next execution the stored login credentials will ' 'be used.', fg='green', ) # Otherwise the config file exists, so we'll use the stored credentials else: self.logger.debug('Reading credentials.json') # open the file in read-only mode with open(Config.CONFIG_FILE, 'r') as f: self.__config = json.load(f) # Initialize the matrix client based on credentials from file self.__client = AsyncClient( self.config['credentials']['homeserver'], self.config['credentials']['user_id'], device_id=self.config['credentials']['device_id'], store_path=Config.STORE_PATH, config=self.client_config, ) self.__client.restore_login( user_id=self.config['credentials']['user_id'], device_id=self.config['credentials']['device_id'], access_token=self.config['credentials']['access_token'], ) self.logger.debug('Logged in using stored credentials.') return self.__client async def __upload_keys(self) -> None: if self.client.should_upload_keys: await self.client.keys_upload() if self.client.should_query_keys: await self.client.keys_query() if self.client.should_claim_keys: await self.client.keys_claim( self.client.get_users_for_key_claiming()) async def sync(self) -> None: self.logger.debug('Starting sync') await self.__upload_keys() await self.client.sync(timeout=30000, full_state=True) async def sync_forever(self) -> None: # next_batch = self.__read_next_batch() await self.client.sync_forever(timeout=30000, full_state=True) async def verify(self) -> None: """Login and wait for and perform emoji verify.""" # Set up event callbacks client = await self.login() if getattr(self, 'client', None): self.logger.debug('Adding callbacks') client.add_to_device_callback(self.__to_device_callback, (KeyVerificationEvent, )) self.__upload_keys() click.secho('\nStarting verification process...', bold=True, fg='green') click.secho( '\nThis program is ready and waiting for the other ' 'party to initiate an emoji verification with us by ' 'selecting "Verify by Emoji" in their Matrix ' 'client.', fg='green', ) await self.sync_forever() async def run(self) -> None: await self.login() if self.__client: self.client.add_response_callback(self.__sync_callback, (SyncResponse, )) self.client.add_event_callback(self.__message_callback, (RoomMessage, )) self.client.add_event_callback(self.__invite_callback, (InviteEvent, )) self.__load_plugins() for plugin in self.runtime_plugins.keys(): await self.runtime_plugins[plugin].on_run() await self.sync_forever() async def find_room_by_id(self, room_id: str) -> (MatrixRoom, None): rooms = self.client.rooms.keys() if room_id in rooms: return self.client.rooms[room_id] return None def __ask_credentials(self) -> dict: """Ask the user for credentials """ try: homeserver = Config.HOMESERVER_URL homeserver = click.prompt('Enter your homeserver URL', bold=True), default=homeserver, ) if not homeserver.startswith('https://'): homeserver = 'https://' + homeserver user_id = f'@{getpass.getuser()}' user_id = click.prompt('Enter your full user ID', bold=True), default=user_id) device_name = 'matrix-bot' device_name = click.prompt('Choose a name for this device', bold=True), default=device_name, ) except click.exceptions.Abort: sys.exit(1) return { 'homeserver': homeserver, 'user_id': user_id, 'device_name': device_name, } # Callbacks async def __to_device_callback(self, event): # noqa """Handle events sent to device.""" try: client = self.client if isinstance(event, KeyVerificationStart): # first step """ first step: receive KeyVerificationStart KeyVerificationStart( source={'content': {'method': '', 'from_device': 'DEVICEIDXY', 'key_agreement_protocols': ['curve25519-hkdf-sha256', 'curve25519'], 'hashes': ['sha256'], 'message_authentication_codes': ['hkdf-hmac-sha256', 'hmac-sha256'], 'short_authentication_string': ['decimal', 'emoji'], 'transaction_id': 'SomeTxId' }, 'type': 'm.key.verification.start', 'sender': '' }, sender='', transaction_id='SomeTxId', from_device='DEVICEIDXY', method='', key_agreement_protocols=[ 'curve25519-hkdf-sha256', 'curve25519'], hashes=['sha256'], message_authentication_codes=[ 'hkdf-hmac-sha256', 'hmac-sha256'], short_authentication_string=['decimal', 'emoji']) """ if 'emoji' not in event.short_authentication_string: click.echo( 'Other device does not support emoji verification ' f'{event.short_authentication_string}.') return resp = await client.accept_key_verification( event.transaction_id) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): self.logger.warning( f'accept_key_verification failed with {resp}', fg='red') sas = client.key_verifications[event.transaction_id] todevice_msg = sas.share_key() resp = await client.to_device(todevice_msg) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): self.logger.warning(f'to_device failed with {resp}', fg='red') elif isinstance(event, KeyVerificationCancel): # anytime """ at any time: receive KeyVerificationCancel KeyVerificationCancel(source={ 'content': {'code': 'm.mismatched_sas', 'reason': 'Mismatched authentication string', 'transaction_id': 'SomeTxId'}, 'type': 'm.key.verification.cancel', 'sender': ''}, sender='', transaction_id='SomeTxId', code='m.mismatched_sas', reason='Mismatched short authentication string') """ # There is no need to issue a # client.cancel_key_verification(tx_id, reject=False) # here. The SAS flow is already cancelled. # We only need to inform the user. click.echo('\nVerification has been cancelled by ' f'{event.sender} for reason "{event.reason}".') elif isinstance(event, KeyVerificationKey): # second step """ Second step is to receive KeyVerificationKey KeyVerificationKey( source={'content': { 'key': 'SomeCryptoKey', 'transaction_id': 'SomeTxId'}, 'type': 'm.key.verification.key', 'sender': '' }, sender='', transaction_id='SomeTxId', key='SomeCryptoKey') """ click.secho('\nEmoji verification initiated.\n') sas = client.key_verifications[event.transaction_id] emojis = sas.get_emoji() emoji_list = [' '.join(e) for e in emojis] click.echo(', '.join(emoji_list)) # print(f'{sas.get_emoji()}')' print() try: if click.confirm('Do the emojis match?', bold=True), ): click.secho( '\nMatch! The verification for this ' 'device will be accepted.', fg='green', ) resp = await client.confirm_short_auth_string( event.transaction_id) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): click.secho( 'confirm_short_auth_string failed with ' f'{resp}', fg='red', ) else: # no, don't match, reject click.secho( '\nNo match! Device will NOT be verified ' 'by rejecting verification.', fg='yellow', ) resp = await client.cancel_key_verification( event.transaction_id, reject=True) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): click.secho( f'cancel_key_verification failed with {resp}', fg='red', ) except click.exceptions.Abort: # C or anything for cancel click.secho( 'Cancelled by user! Verification will be ' 'cancelled.', fg='red', ) resp = await client.cancel_key_verification( event.transaction_id, reject=False) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): self.logger.warn( f'cancel_key_verification failed with {resp}') elif isinstance(event, KeyVerificationMac): # third step """ Third step is to receive KeyVerificationMac KeyVerificationMac( source={'content': { 'mac': {'ed25519:DEVICEIDXY': 'SomeKey1', 'ed25519:SomeKey2': 'SomeKey3'}, 'keys': 'SomeCryptoKey4', 'transaction_id': 'SomeTxId'}, 'type': 'm.key.verification.mac', 'sender': ''}, sender='', transaction_id='SomeTxId', mac={'ed25519:DEVICEIDXY': 'SomeKey1', 'ed25519:SomeKey2': 'SomeKey3'}, keys='SomeCryptoKey4') """ sas = client.key_verifications[event.transaction_id] try: todevice_msg = sas.get_mac() except LocalProtocolError as e: # e.g. it might have been cancelled by ourselves click.secho( f'Cancelled or protocol error: Reason: {e}.\n' f'Verification with {event.sender} not ' 'concluded. Try again?', fg='yellow', ) else: resp = await client.to_device(todevice_msg) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): self.logger.warn(f'to_device failed with {resp}') # print(f'sas.we_started_it = {sas.we_started_it}\n' # f'sas.sas_accepted = {sas.sas_accepted}\n' # f'sas.canceled = {sas.canceled}\n' # f'sas.timed_out = {sas.timed_out}\n' # f'sas.verified = {sas.verified}\n' # f'sas.verified_devices = {sas.verified_devices}\n') click.secho( 'Emoji verification was successful! Please use Ctrl+C ' 'to exit.', fg='green') else: self.logger.warn( f'Received unexpected event type {type(event)}. ' f'Event is {event}. Event will be ignored.') except BaseException: self.logger.critical(traceback.format_exc()) async def shutdown(self) -> None:'Shutdown Bot') for task in asyncio.Task.all_tasks(): task.cancel() if getattr(self, 'client', None): await self.client.close() async def __sync_callback(self, event: any) -> None: self.logger.debug('Client syncing and saving next batch token') if self.__first_sync and len(self.client.invited_rooms) > 0: for room in self.client.invited_rooms: await self.client.join(room) self.__first_sync = False with open(Config.NEXT_BATCH_PATH, 'w') as next_batch_token: next_batch_token.write(event.next_batch) async def __invite_callback(self, source: MatrixRoom, sender: any) -> None: await self.client.join(source.room_id) async def __handle_text_message(self, room: MatrixRoom, message: RoomMessageText) -> None: self.logger.debug('Handling Text Message %s', message) for plugin in self.message_plugins.keys(): await self.message_plugins[plugin].on_message(room, message) async def __handle_command_message(self, room: MatrixRoom, message: RoomMessageText) -> None: self.logger.debug('Handling Command Message %s', message) if 'help' not in self.command_plugins.keys(): self.plugins['help'] = all_plugins['help'] body = message.body.split(' ') plugin = self.command_plugins['help'] if len(body) > 1: if (body[1] in self.command_plugins.keys()): plugin = self.command_plugins[body[1]] self.logger.debug('Handling Command %s', body[1]) await plugin.on_command(room, message) async def __text_message_callback(self, source: MatrixRoom, message: RoomMessageText) -> None: self.logger.debug('Text Message Recieved: %s %s: %s', source.room_id, message.sender, message.body) if (message.body.startswith(self.config['config']['chat_prefix'])): return await self.__handle_command_message(source, message) else: return await self.__handle_text_message(source, message) async def __message_callback(self, source: MatrixRoom, message: RoomMessage) -> None: self.logger.debug('Message Recieved') if (isinstance(message, RoomMessageText)): await self.__text_message_callback(source, message) def __signal_handler(self) -> None: self.loop.create_task(self.shutdown()) # Plugins def __load_plugins(self) -> None: for plugin in self.config['config']['plugins']: if plugin in all_plugins.keys(): obj = all_plugins[plugin](self, plugin)'Loading plugin %s', plugin) if getattr(obj, 'on_command', None): self.command_plugins[plugin] = obj if getattr(obj, 'on_message', None): self.message_plugins[plugin] = obj if getattr(obj, 'on_run', None): self.runtime_plugins[plugin] = obj # Files def __write_details_to_disk(self, resp: LoginResponse, credentials: dict) -> None: """Write the required login details to disk. It will allow following logins to be made without password. Arguments: --------- resp : LoginResponse - successful client login response credentials : dict - The credentials used to sign in """ # open the config file in write-mode with open(Config.CONFIG_FILE, 'w') as f: # write the login details to disk json.dump( { 'credentials': { 'homeserver': credentials['homeserver'], 'device_name': credentials['device_name'], 'user_id': resp.user_id, 'device_id': resp.device_id, 'access_token': resp.access_token, }, 'config': { 'chat_prefix': Config.CHAT_PREFIX, 'plugins': ['help'] }, }, f, ) def __read_next_batch(self) -> (str, None): # we read the previously-written token... next_batch_name = Config.NEXT_BATCH_PATH if os.path.exists(next_batch_name): with open(next_batch_name, 'r') as next_batch_token: # ... and well async_client to use it self.client.next_batch = return self.client.next_batch # Properties @property def loop(self) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop: return self.__loop @property def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: return self.__logger @property def config(self) -> dict: return self.__config @property def client_config(self) -> AsyncClientConfig: return self.__client_config @property def client(self) -> AsyncClient: return self.__client @property def message_plugins(self) -> list: return self.__message_plugins @property def command_plugins(self) -> list: return self.__command_plugins @property def runtime_plugins(self) -> list: return self.__runtime_plugins