switch to using matrix.to for permalinks

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Hodgson 2016-08-28 02:11:57 +01:00
parent 88dba1bf6c
commit 9b8e127e23
1 changed files with 2 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -133,12 +133,11 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
// XXX: this should be https://matrix.to.
// XXX: if we use room ID, we should also include a server where the event can be found (other than in the domain of the event ID)
permalinkButton = (
<div className="mx_MessageContextMenu_field">
<a href={ "#/room/" + this.props.mxEvent.getRoomId() +"/"+ this.props.mxEvent.getId() }
onClick={ this.onPermalinkClick }>Permalink</a>
<a href={ "https://matrix.to/#/" + this.props.mxEvent.getRoomId() +"/"+ this.props.mxEvent.getId() }
target="_blank" onClick={ this.onPermalinkClick }>Permalink</a>