Merge pull request #8973 from RiotTranslateBot/weblate-riot-web-riot-web
Update from Weblate.
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "الواجهة المكتبية لرايوت على %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "جهاز مجهول",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s عبر %(browserName)s على %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "تحتاج الى استخدام الاتصال الآمن ( HTTPS) للسماح بمشاركة الشاشة",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "تحتاج الى استخدام الاتصال الآمن (HTTPS) للسماح بمشاركة الشاشة.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "التنسيق لمترجمين Riot",
"powered by Matrix": "مشغل بواسطة Matrix",
"Welcome to": "مرحبا بك في",
@ -28,5 +28,10 @@
"Running Matrix services": "تشغيل خدمات Matrix",
"Community-run support for Synapse": "الدعم المجتمعي لـ Synapse",
"Admin support for Dendrite": "الدعم الاداري لـDendrite",
"Announcements about Synapse releases": "إعلانات حول إصدارات Synaps"
"Announcements about Synapse releases": "إعلانات حول إصدارات Synaps",
"Create Account": "انشاء حساب",
"Need help?": "بحاجة إلى مساعدة؟",
"Explore rooms": "استكشف غرف المحادثات",
"Room Directory": "دليل غرف المحادثات",
"Sign In": "التسجيل"
@ -35,5 +35,12 @@
"Contributing code to Matrix and Riot": "Contribuir codi a Matrix i Riot",
"Dev chat for the Riot/Web dev team": "Xat de l'equip de desenvolupadors Riot/Web",
"Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "Xat de l'equip Dendrite per a desenvolupadors",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Coordinació dels traductors del Riot"
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Coordinació dels traductors del Riot",
"Create Account": "Crea un compte",
"Need help?": "Necessiteu ajuda?",
"Explore rooms": "Exploreu les sales",
"Room Directory": "Directori de sales",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Podeu emprar les opcions personalitzades del servidor per iniciar la sessió en altres servidors de Matrix especificant un URL de servidor personal diferent. Això us permet emprar el Riot amb un compte de Matrix existent en un servidor personal diferent.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "També podeu establir un servidor d'identitat personalitzat, però no podreu convidar usuaris o ser convidats vosaltres mateixos per adreça de correu electrònic.",
"Sign In": "Inicia la sessió"
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot není podporovaný na mobilním webu. Nainstalovat aplikaci?",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Pro uskutečnění hovoru se sdílením obrazovky musíte používat HTTPS.",
"Search the room directory": "Prohledat adresář místností",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chatujte s Riot Botem",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Konverzovat s Riot Botem",
"Get started with some tips from Riot Bot!": "Začněte s radami od Riot Bota!",
"General discussion about Matrix and Riot": "Obecná diskuse o Matrixu a Riotu",
"Discussion of all things Matrix!": "Diskuse o všem okolo Matrixu!",
@ -35,5 +35,12 @@
"Riot/Android & matrix-android-sdk chat": "Riot/Android a matrix-android-sdk chat",
"Discussion of the Identity Service API": "Diskuze o API služby identity",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Přes vlastní serverové volby se můžete přihlásit k dalším Matrix serverům tak, že zadáte jinou adresu domovského serveru.<br/>Díky tomu můžete v Riotu používat Matrix účet z jiného domovského serveru.<br/><br/>Můžete nastavit i vlastní server identity, ale pak už nebudete moci zvát ani být zván/a skrze e-mailovou adresu.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Spolupráce pro překladatele Riot"
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Spolupráce pro překladatele Riot",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Také je možné nastavit vlastní server identity, ale pak nebude možné pozvat uživatele pomocí emailové adresy ani být pozván pomocí emailové adresy.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Ve vlastních serverových volbách si můžete nastavit použití vlastního domovského serveru. To Vám umožní používat Riot s existujícím Matrix účtem na jiném serveru.",
"Sign In": "Přihlásit se",
"Create Account": "Vytvořit účet",
"Need help?": "Chcete pomoct?",
"Explore rooms": "Objevit místnosti",
"Room Directory": "Adresář místností"
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kannst auch einen anderen Identitätsserver setzen. Dieser hat einen anderen Wissensstand als der Standardserver, weswegen es beim Einladen oder Eingeladen werden mittels E-Mail-Adresse Probleme geben kann.",
"Sign In": "Anmelden",
"Create Account": "Konto erstellen",
"Need help?": "Braucht du Hilfe?",
"Need help?": "Brauchst du Hilfe?",
"Explore rooms": "Räume erkunden",
"Room Directory": "Raumverzeichnis"
@ -35,5 +35,9 @@
"Lots of rooms already exist in Matrix, linked to existing networks (Slack, IRC, Gitter etc) or independent. Check out the directory!": "Αρκετά δωμάτια υπάρχουν ήδη στο Matrix, συνδεδεμένα σε υπάρχοντα δίκτυα (Slack, IRC, Gitter κ.λπ) ή αυτόνομα. Ρίξτε μια ματιά στο ευρετήριο!",
"Support for those using, running and writing other bridges": "Υποστήριξη για τους χρήστες που χρησιμοποιούν ή αναπτύσσουν εφαρμογές ενσωμάτωσης για το Matrix",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Συντονισμός για μεταφραστές του Riot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τις προσαρμοσμένες ρυθμίσεις διακομιστή για να συνδεθείτε σε άλλους διακομιστές Matrix δίνοντας ένα διαφορετικό URL διακομιστή.<br/>Αυτό σας επιτρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσετε το Riot με έναν υπάρχοντα λογαριασμό Matrix σε έναν διαφορετικό διακομιστή.<br/><br/>Μπορείτε επίσης να ορίσετε έναν προσαρμοσμένο διακομιστή ταυτοποίησης αλλά δεν θα μπορείτε να προσκαλέσετε χρήστες ή να προσκληθείτε εσείς μέσω διεύθυνσης ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομίου."
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τις προσαρμοσμένες ρυθμίσεις διακομιστή για να συνδεθείτε σε άλλους διακομιστές Matrix δίνοντας ένα διαφορετικό URL διακομιστή.<br/>Αυτό σας επιτρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσετε το Riot με έναν υπάρχοντα λογαριασμό Matrix σε έναν διαφορετικό διακομιστή.<br/><br/>Μπορείτε επίσης να ορίσετε έναν προσαρμοσμένο διακομιστή ταυτοποίησης αλλά δεν θα μπορείτε να προσκαλέσετε χρήστες ή να προσκληθείτε εσείς μέσω διεύθυνσης ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομίου.",
"Sign In": "Σύνδεση",
"Create Account": "Δημιουργία Λογαριασμού",
"Need help?": "Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια;",
"Room Directory": "Ευρετήριο δωματίων"
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"Welcome to": "Bienvenido a",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat & collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Conversaciones cifradas y descentralizadas & colaboración con el poder de [matrix]",
"Search the room directory": "Buscar en el directorio de salas",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Conversar con el Bot de Riot",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Hablar con Riot Bot",
"Get started with some tips from Riot Bot!": "¡Comenzar con algunos consejos de Riot Bot!",
"General discussion about Matrix and Riot": "Discusión general sobre Matrix y Riot",
"Discussion of all things Matrix!": "¡Discusión sobre todas las cosas de Matrix!",
@ -35,5 +35,12 @@
"Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "Conversaciones del equipo de desarrollo de Dendrite",
"Lots of rooms already exist in Matrix, linked to existing networks (Slack, IRC, Gitter etc) or independent. Check out the directory!": "Muchas salas ya están disponibles en Matrix, enlazadas a redes existentes (Slack, IRC, Gitter, etc) o independientes. ¡Revisa el directorio!",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Puedes usar las opciones del servidor personalizado para acceder a otros servidores Matrix especificando su URL. <br/> Esto te permite usar Riot con una cuenta Matrix existente en un servidor doméstico distinto. <br/><br/>También puedes establecer un servidor de identidad personalizado pero no podrás invitar a otros usuarios usando su dirección de correo electrónico, y tampoco ser invitado por el tuyo.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Co-odinación de traductores de Riot"
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Co-odinación de traductores de Riot",
"Sign In": "Iniciar sesión",
"Create Account": "Crear cuenta",
"Need help?": "Ayuda?",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "También puedes definir un servidor de identidad personalizado, pero no podrás invitar a usuarios o ser inivitado usando direcciones de correo.",
"Explore rooms": "Explorar salas",
"Room Directory": "Directorio de salas",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Puedes usar la opción de servidor personalizado para iniciar sesión en otros servidores Matrix, especificando la dirección URL del servidor. Esto te permite usar una cuenta Matrix en un servidor diferente."
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Palvelinasetukset",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop %(platformName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Sinun täytyy käyttää HTTPS -yhteyttä, jotta voit jakaa ruudun.",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Keskustele Riot Botin kanssa",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Keskustele Riot-botin kanssa",
"Get started with some tips from Riot Bot!": "Aloita Riot Botin vinkkien avulla!",
"General discussion about Matrix and Riot": "Matrix- ja Riot keskustelut",
"Discussion of all things Matrix!": "Keskustelu kaikesta Matrixiin liittyvästä!",
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s %(browserName)s %(osName)s",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat & collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Salattua ja vikasietoista viestintää Matrix -teknologialla",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Voit käyttää edistyksellisiä asetuksia kirjautuaksesi muille Matrix palvelimille, määrittelemällä kotipalvelimen URL-osoitteen.<br/>Tämän avulla voit käyttää Riot:ia olemassa olevalla toisen Matrix palvelimen käyttäjätilillä.<br/><br/>Voit myös asettaa valinnaisen identiteettipalvelimen, mutta et voi kutsua käyttäjiä sähköpostiosoitteella tai tulla kutsutuksi.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Voit käyttää mukautettuja palvelinasetuksia kirjautuaksesi muihin Matrix-palvelimiin määrittämällä toisen kotipalvelimen osoitteen. Tämä mahdollistaa Riotin käyttämisen toisella palvelimella olevalla Matrix-tunnuksella.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Voit käyttää mukautettuja palvelinasetuksia kirjautuaksesi muihin Matrix-palvelimiin. Tämä mahdollistaa Riotin käyttämisen toisella palvelimella olevalla Matrix-tunnuksella.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Voit myös määrittää toisen identiteettipalvelimen, mutta et voi kutsua muita käyttäjiä sähköpostin perusteella, eivätkä se voi kutsua sinua.",
"Sign In": "Kirjaudu sisään",
"Create Account": "Luo tunnus",
@ -35,5 +35,12 @@
"Lots of rooms already exist in Matrix, linked to existing networks (Slack, IRC, Gitter etc) or independent. Check out the directory!": "Xa existen multitude de salas en Matrix ben ligadas a redes existentes (Slack, IRC, Gitter etc) ou ben independentes. Busque no directorio!",
"Riot/Android & matrix-android-sdk chat": "Riot/Android & sala de conversas matrix-android-sdk",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Pode utilizar as opcións persoais de servidor para conectarse a outros servidores Matrix indicando o enderezo URL dese servidor.</br>Isto permítelle utilizar Riot cunha conta Matrix existente en outro servidor.<br/><br/>Tamén pode empregar un servidor personalizado de identidade mais nese caso nin se poderán convidar a outros usuarios empregando os correo electrónicos nin tampouco eles o poderán convidar a vostede por correo.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Coordinación para tradutora/es de Riot"
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Coordinación para tradutora/es de Riot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Podes usar as opcións de servidor personalizado para iniciar sesión en outros servidores Matrix especificando unha dirección diferente de servidor doméstico. Con esto podes usar Riot cunha conta Matrix existente noutro servidor doméstico.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Tamén podes fixar un servidor de identidade, pero non poderás invitar a usuarios polo enderezo de correo, e tampouco que te inviten.",
"Sign In": "Entrar",
"Create Account": "Crear conta",
"Need help?": "¿Precisas axuda?",
"Explore rooms": "Explorar salas",
"Room Directory": "Directorio de salas"
@ -35,5 +35,12 @@
"Contributing code to Matrix and Riot": "मैट्रिक्स और रायट में कोड योगदान करना",
"Dev chat for the Riot/Web dev team": "रायट / वेब डेव टीम के लिए डेवलपर चैट",
"Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "डेन्ड्राइट देव टीम के लिए डेवलपर चैट",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "रायट अनुवादकों के लिए समन्वय"
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "रायट अनुवादकों के लिए समन्वय",
"Sign In": "साइन करना",
"Create Account": "खाता बनाएं",
"Need help?": "मदद चाहिए?",
"Explore rooms": "रूम का अन्वेषण करें",
"Room Directory": "कक्ष निर्देशिका",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "आप एक अलग होमसर्वर URL निर्दिष्ट करके अन्य मैट्रिक्स सर्वर में साइन इन करने के लिए कस्टम सर्वर विकल्पों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। यह आपको एक अलग होमसर्वर पर मौजूदा मैट्रिक्स खाते के साथ रायट का उपयोग करने की अनुमति देता है।",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "आप एक कस्टम पहचान सर्वर भी सेट कर सकते हैं, लेकिन आप उपयोगकर्ताओं को ईमेल पते से आमंत्रित नहीं कर पाएंगे, या स्वयं ईमेल पते से आमंत्रित नहीं किया जाएगा।"
@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Tilpassede serveralternativer",
"powered by Matrix": "benytter seg av Matrix",
"Custom Server Options": "Server-instillinger",
"powered by Matrix": "Drevet av Matrix",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot er ikke støttet av mobil-nettlesere. Ønsker De å innstalere appen?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot på skrivebordet er på %(platformName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop på %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Ukjent enhet",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s på %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "De er nødt til å benytte HTTPS for å kunne ha en samtale med skjermdeling.",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Du er nødt til å bruke HTTPS for å ha en samtale med skjermdeling.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "De kan benytte brukerdefinerte server-innstillinger for å kunne logge Dem inn på andre Matrix-servere ved å spesifisere en annen hjemmeserver-adresse. <br/> Dette tillater Dem til å bruke Riot med en eksisterende Matrix-konto på en annen hjemmeserver. <br/><br/> De kan i tillegg definere en egen hjemmeserver-identitet, men De kan da ikke invitere andre brukere via email, og De kan heller ikke bli invitert via email selv.",
"Dismiss": "Avvis",
"Welcome to": "Velkommen skal De være til",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat & collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Desentralisert, kryptert nettprat & sammabeid drevet av [matrix]",
"Search the room directory": "Søk i romutvalget",
"Welcome to": "Velkommen til",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat & collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Desentralisert, kryptert chat & sammabeid drevet av [matrix]",
"Search the room directory": "Søk i alle rom",
"Lots of rooms already exist in Matrix, linked to existing networks (Slack, IRC, Gitter etc) or independent. Check out the directory!": "Allerede finnes det alskens rom i Matrix, sammenkoblet til eksisterende nettverk (Slack, IRC, Gitter osv.) eller selvstendig. Dersom De formoder, kan De kikke på utvalget!",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Nettprat med Riot Bot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kan bruke egendefinert tjener instillingen for å logge inn på andre Matrix tjenere ved å spesifisere enn annen hjemmetrjener URL. Dette lar deg bruke Riot med en eksisterende Matrix konto på en annen hjemmetjener.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan også stille inn en egen idendtitetstjener, men du kommer ikke til å kunne invitere andre brukere med e-post, eller bli invitert med e-post selv.",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chat med Riot Bot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kan bruke instillinger for «egendefinert tjener» til å logge inn på andre Matrix tjenere ved å spesifisere en annen URL. Dette lar deg bruke Riot med en eksisterende Matrix konto på en annen hjemmetjener.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan også bruke din egen identitetstjener, men du kommer ikke til å kunne invitere andre brukere med e-post, eller bli invitert med e-post selv.",
"Get started with some tips from Riot Bot!": "Kom i gang med noen tips fra Riot Bot!",
"General discussion about Matrix and Riot": "Generelle diskusjoner om Matrix og Riot",
"Discussion of all things Matrix!": "Diskusjoner om alt Matrix!",
@ -28,5 +28,7 @@
"Announcements about Synapse releases": "Kunngjøring om Synapse utgivelser",
"Sign In": "Logg inn",
"Create Account": "Lag konto",
"Need help?": "Trenger du hjelp?"
"Need help?": "Trenger du hjelp?",
"Room Directory": "Alle rom",
"Explore rooms": "Se alle rom"
@ -35,5 +35,12 @@
"Lots of rooms already exist in Matrix, linked to existing networks (Slack, IRC, Gitter etc) or independent. Check out the directory!": "Muitas salas já existem no Matrix, algumas independentes, e outras relacionadas a redes existentes (tais como Slack, IRC, Gitter, entre outras). Dê uma olhada na lista de salas públicas!",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat & collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Chat descentralizado, criptografado e colaborativo oferecido por [matrix]",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Você pode usar as opções customizadas de servidor para conectar-se a outros servidores Matrix ao especificar uma outra URL de Servidor de Base (homeserver).<br/> Isso permite que você use o Riot com uma conta Matrix existente em outro servidor de base.<br/><br/>Você também pode definir um servidor de identidade customizado, mas neste caso você não poderá convidar outras pesoas por endereço de email, ou ser convidada/o pelo seu endereço de email.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Coordenação para tradutores Riot"
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Coordenação para tradutores Riot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Você pode usar as opções personalizadas do servidor para entrar em outros servidores Matrix, especificando um URL diferente de homeserver. Isso permite que você use o Riot com uma conta Matrix existente em um homeserver diferente.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Você também pode definir um servidor de identidade personalizado, mas não poderá convidar usuários por endereço de e-mail nem ser convidado por endereço de e-mail.",
"Sign In": "Entrar",
"Create Account": "Criar Conta",
"Need help?": "Precisa de ajuda?",
"Explore rooms": "Explore as salas",
"Room Directory": "Diretório de salas"
@ -35,5 +35,12 @@
"Contributing code to Matrix and Riot": "Додавање кода у Матрикс и Riot",
"Dev chat for the Riot/Web dev team": "Програмерско ћаскање за Riot/веб програмерски тим",
"Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "Програмерско ћаскање за Dendrite програмерски тим",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Координација за Riot преводиоце"
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Координација за Riot преводиоце",
"Sign In": "Пријава",
"Create Account": "Направи налог",
"Need help?": "Потребна помоћ?",
"Explore rooms": "Истражи собе",
"Room Directory": "Фасцикла са собама",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Можете користити опције прилагођеног сервера да бисте се пријавили на друге Матрикс сервере тако што ћете навести другачију адресу кућног сервера. Ово вам омогућава да користите Riot са постојећим Матрикс налогом на другом кућном серверу.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Такође, можете подесити прилагођени сервер идентитета али у том случају нећете моћи да позивате кориснике преко мејла адресе или да сами будете позвани преко мејл адресе."
@ -37,5 +37,10 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan använda anpassade serverinställningar för att logga in på andra Matrix-servrar genom att ange en annan hemserver-URL.<BR/>Du kan då använda Riot med ett befintligt Matrix-konto på en annan hemserver.<br/><br/>Du kan också ange en anpassad identitetsserver men kommer då inte kunna bjuda in användare med epostadress, eller själv bli inbjuden med epostadress.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Koordination för Riot-översättare",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan använda en egen identitetsserver, men då kan du inte bjuda in användare via epostadress eller själv bjudas in med din epostadress.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Under anpassade serverinställningar kan du logga in på andra Matrixservrar genom att ange en egen hemserveradress. På så sätt kan du använda Riot med ett Matrixkonto du redan har på en annan hemserver."
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Under anpassade serverinställningar kan du logga in på andra Matrixservrar genom att ange en egen hemserveradress. På så sätt kan du använda Riot med ett Matrixkonto du redan har på en annan hemserver.",
"Sign In": "Logga in",
"Create Account": "Skapa konto",
"Need help?": "Behöver du hjälp?",
"Explore rooms": "Utforska rum",
"Room Directory": "Rumslista"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Нетипові параметри сервера",
"Custom Server Options": "Власні параметри сервера",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s через %(browserName)s на %(osName)s",
"Dismiss": "Відхилити",
"powered by Matrix": "працює на Matrix",
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"Welcome to": "Ласкаво просимо до",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat & collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Децентралізований, шифрований чат та засіб для співробітництва, що працює на [matrix]",
"Search the room directory": "Шукати у каталозі кімнат",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Розмовляти з Riot-ботом",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Чат із Riot-ботом",
"Get started with some tips from Riot Bot!": "Розпочніть за допомогою декількох підказок від Riot-боту!",
"General discussion about Matrix and Riot": "Загальне обговорення Matrix та Riot",
"Discussion of all things Matrix!": "Обговорення усіх деталей про Matrix!",
@ -35,5 +35,12 @@
"Lots of rooms already exist in Matrix, linked to existing networks (Slack, IRC, Gitter etc) or independent. Check out the directory!": "У мережі Matrix вже існує багато кімнат, що з'єднані як з існуючими мережами (Slack, IRC, Gitter тощо), так і незалежними. Подивіться у каталозі кімнат!",
"Running Matrix services": "Запуск служби Matrix",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Ви можете використовувати параметри користувача сервера для входа на другі сервера Matrix, вказав другий URL-адресу домашнього сервера. <br/>Це дозволяє використовувати Riot з обліковим записом Matrix який існує на другому домашньому сервері.<br/><br/>Окрім цього, можливо встановити ідентифікаційний сервер користувача, але ви не зможете запросити других користувачів та бути запрошенному використовуючи адресу електронної пошти.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Координаційний чат для перекладачів Riot"
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Координаційний чат для перекладачів Riot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Ви можете використати власні параметри сервера для входу в інші Matrix сервери, вказавши інший URL. Це дозволить використовувати Riot з наявним обліковим записом Matrix на іншому сервері.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Ви також можете встановити власний сервер ідентифікації, але Ви не зможете запрошувати користувачів або бути запрошеним за адресою електронної пошти.",
"Need help?": "Допомогти?",
"Sign In": "Вхід",
"Create Account": "Створити аккаунт",
"Explore rooms": "Дослідити кімнати",
"Room Directory": "Каталог кімнат"
Reference in New Issue